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Some observations


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Last night was the first time I'd been to an away game for a long time (aside from Huddersfield last season but I sat in the home end and had to keep quiet), and although the atmosphere was brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed myself (result not withstanding), I did notice a few things...


  1. **** me, we sing a lot of songs about Forest. When did we stop singing songs about our players? I think I heard one brief chant of "Hughesy" and smattering of "Jake Buxton's a football genius" but aside from that, it was all bloody Forest. We were playing Leicester FFS. Forest weren't there. Am I the only person who finds that weird and a little embarrassing? We come across as obsessed with them.
  2. It's scary to look across the aisle and see some tiny little kids (they can't have been older than 13 yrs) giving the w@nker sign and picking a fight with some fairly large home fans. Bet if that line of coppers wasn't there, those young 'uns wouldn't be so quick to act all Billy Big ********.
  3. People on the coach (again, young lads) getting really upset as we pulled out of the ground to a procession of Leicester fans giving us the V's etc. Calm down. It's all part of the fun.

Not having a go at anyone or owt. Just some things I noticed. Maybe I'm getting old, but it was quite an eye opener after not having been away for a while.

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You're getting old. Open your eyes. Turn on the news. 13 year old kids nowadays are doing far worse things then giving rival football supporters the V's I assure you. 

Yeah, like smoking, Facebook and rock n' roll music.


It wasn't the V's that struck me as much as the Forest songs and genuine, raging anger at opposing fans. Calm the **** down.

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1 - because it was Leicester and they have no rivals we sang more about Forest to rub it in. Also the game being on Saturday played a part.

But it's not just last night. You hear it at PP as well all the bloody time. "Stand up if you hate Forest". They're not there to hear it, ya daft buggers.


Same with Leeds songs.


I dunno, seems odd to me and like I said, a bit embarrassing.

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Yeah, like smoking, Facebook and rock n' roll music.


It wasn't the V's that struck me as much as the Forest songs and genuine, raging anger at opposing fans. Calm the **** down.

Hey teenagers need to direct their angst at something I guess :) I was thinking more of the riots where teenagers were looting shops and teenagers kicking to death down and outs and videoing the footage on their smart phones 

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