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Yeh it did remind me a fair bit of dead mans shoes, which is no bad thing as it's one of my favorite ever films.


I'm interested to see how the story develops over the next 3 episodes, in particular the journalist angle, as i guess the first 5 minutes of tonight's are going to be the shooting spree. 

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I really hope that Blonde's not dead, she's absolutely stunning.

Great episode tonight, really enjoying it. Seem's were in a minority on this forum mind :lol:

Yeah I thought noooooo!

Really into it now, might watch it on 4od instead if it blocks adverts, they are spoiling it!

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Yep, looking forward to it, ill be honest though as I'd almost forgot about this with all my excitement building for breaking bad at 2am.

I envy you your ability to watch BB. I do like to have the box set, though and will wait patiently. Isn't it great that 5USA decided to drop the series. I mean - it's not as if it's popular or acclaimed!

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