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Pavement upgrade in Nottingham for fat people


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How long did you smoke for and at what point did you realise that smoking was kind of bad for you?

Dare I go into alcohol consumption as well....ahem...

Fagged it for 25 years and stopped as I hated the stink.

And contrary to popular belief, I don't drink that often, but am drunk after 2 pints. Hardly alcoholic.

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I didn't realise it was a competition and that I'm out to get beat! All this time I've given you an unfair advantage then?

Anyway. Ya couldn't beat an egg!

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Fagged it for 25 years and stopped as I hated the stink.

And contrary to popular belief, I don't drink that often, but am drunk after 2 pints. Hardly alcoholic.

Yeah yeah :lol:

But the point is despite all the NHS advertising campaigns, messages on the fag packets you still smoked, did you quit for health reasons no. Looking back would you say had the government done more to warn me of the dangers of smoking I would have stopped?

People who are overweight by choice will be aware that veg is good for them and McDonalds isnt, if they wanted to lose weight and eat healthy....Google, it's all there.

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There was one picture on one of me packets that did start the process of thinking about quitting and it was the one of the dead man on the mortuary slab. Honestly, that image made me think, every time I picked up me packet I saw it, but admittedly it wasn't the only deciding factor.

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I'm not wrong, I was wrong the other week that's this year sorted.

Stick as many different colours you like on food and people will still eat it, just like people still smoke with all these messages on fag packets now, can't tell me that smokers out there are puffing away thinking its not doing any harm?

I used to think the same, and in some ways you are correct. I would still buy a pack of sausages from Tesco. I know they are not healthy but i love a sausage sarnie.

You and I though are wrong according to the collective might of the world's main food processors, the majority of the big supermarket chains and their Industry Trade groups.


The big sellers (and profit makers) are usually ready meals, processed meats, sweets, cakes, fizzy pop  pies, pasties etc,etc. Think of the advertising budgets for coke, mars, brekkie cereals....


Over a period of time, clear marking of packaging would slowly change people's eating and buying habits, not everyones, but a substantial number would not want every item in their trolley with a big red bar on it. people would point at them at the till and sing you fat barstard at them.


The industry point out that the info is already on the packs, indeed it is - in minute print with a list of kilojoules and RDA (recommended daily amounts) and all sorts of scientific sounding stuff - who is gonna read all that ***** when you pop in Spar for yer tinned whole chicken!


If people had a genuine choice - say two similar products next to each other on a shelf - busy mums and dads and forum bosses on a diet could see at a glance if the product they were buying was potentially bad for them or not.


Some of the breakfast cereal manufacturers would choke on their muesli if they thought the peasants knew how much sugar and salt went into making their coco pops turn brown for instance.


The traffic light system would have been fair, open and honest and would have improved people's knowledge yet still left them the choice of what to buy.

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Rather than altering the pavements, the answer would be for them to form a breading colony somewhere off Skeg and go back to living in the sea.

Here the the blubber would aid buoyancy, the water could support their weight, and they could lead happy and fulfilling lives.

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