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My son has recently just finished his first job, which was a temporary contract at some food store, so he has experience in retail/food, only he's a little stuck as to what he should apply for, he can't find much, any suggestions great fully appreciated. He's starting his second year of college next year.

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Mcdonalds do a good training scheme for staff which for some leads to management. That could be worth looking at Hans.

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My son has recently just finished his first job, which was a temporary contract at some food store, so he has experience in retail/food, only he's a little stuck as to what he should apply for, he can't find much, any suggestions great fully appreciated. He's starting his second year of college next year.


Anything and everything. I don't think many people can afford to be picky these days.


I shudder at the thought of my kid entering an employment market like this, best of luck to him.

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My biggest issue with employers is they're unwilling to give people under 21 (me included) a chance at a job. Nearly all jobs you apply for now, you need experience in them job roles, even in the lower skilled roles. There are a few apprenticeships out there, but most of them are in admin and not a lot in terms of physical labour like construction.


What made me laugh was when I had my first job doing admin, we employed a couple of people who were on over twice my salary, who were no better than myself and I'd only been there 6 months. They were meant to have had 10 years experience doing an admin role.... but they were utter useless! 


My point is that you don't need experience in alot of lower paid jobs, but employers just insist it because they can't be ar5ed to train people. And apprenticeships are just a way of getting young people on the cheap. 

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My son has recently just finished his first job, which was a temporary contract at some food store, so he has experience in retail/food, only he's a little stuck as to what he should apply for, he can't find much, any suggestions great fully appreciated. He's starting his second year of college next year.

I left school at 16 and did an NVQ in Business Admin through a training provider whilst working - had no idea what I wanted to do but knew that a ) I like money and watching football too much to do further study and work weekends to get by, and b ) I'm not practical, so a trade (plumbing etc) wouldn't suit me - so I thought I'd get used to being behind a desk.

Anyway, point I'm making is - if your lad isn't sure what he wants but has an inkling (eg trade, office, retail) there might be scope to do on the job learning through NVQs etc. Pays pretty cack, but then I guess anything at entry level is!

Good luck to him.

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My son has recently just finished his first job, which was a temporary contract at some food store, so he has experience in retail/food, only he's a little stuck as to what he should apply for, he can't find much, any suggestions great fully appreciated. He's starting his second year of college next year.

How old is he? Maybe try bar work?
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I left school at 16 and did an NVQ in Business Admin through a training provider whilst working - had no idea what I wanted to do but knew that a ) I like money and watching football too much to do further study and work weekends to get by, and b ) I'm not practical, so a trade (plumbing etc) wouldn't suit me - so I thought I'd get used to being behind a desk.

Anyway, point I'm making is - if your lad isn't sure what he wants but has an inkling (eg trade, office, retail) there might be scope to do on the job learning through NVQs etc. Pays pretty cack, but then I guess anything at entry level is!

Good luck to him.

Me and a colleague I work with both did exactly the same, once you've got that experience gain some extra qualifications and are still young it can take you anywhere,

Good luck to the lad hope he's able to get the help I did.

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Warehouse work through an agency ?

Pays cack, round £6.20 a hour. Shifts come and go, for example I've just had 5 weeks solid work and nothing the past week


But it is very easy/simple work, relaxed atmosphere, and perfect for a summer job if he is still at college/uni like i am. 

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My son has recently just finished his first job, which was a temporary contract at some food store, so he has experience in retail/food, only he's a little stuck as to what he should apply for, he can't find much, any suggestions great fully appreciated. He's starting his second year of college next year.

That new M and S warehouse in Donington are still taking on I think....JCB seem to be doing well too they had record profits last year if Uttoxeter is near enough for your son to be able to get to

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My son has recently just finished his first job, which was a temporary contract at some food store, so he has experience in retail/food, only he's a little stuck as to what he should apply for, he can't find much, any suggestions great fully appreciated. He's starting his second year of college next year.


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