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Palace v Brighton


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Why do people continually say that this season's Championship teams are 'poor'?


If you are so adamant that there has been a 'levelling down', how do you substantiate that statement? Perhaps there has been a 'levelling up'. I'm not saying that there has, but some signs indicate that many lower-league clubs are closer in standard to those in the lower half of the Premier League than ever before, especially when you look at cup competitions.

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Cardiff are set to chuck cash about so we'll see.


I'd say Watford will be the strongest and I'd put money on Hull coming down in last place next year.


I reckon that Crystal Palace will beat them in the final

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wonder if Moyes could let us have Osman , before he goes..

I listened to an Everton match on radio 5live earlier in the season when Kevin Kilbane was summariser. They were discussing the virtues of Osman and he said that Moyes was prepared to let Osman go at the end of his loan spell here but wanted 250K for him and Derby couldn't come up with the cash.  Don't know if that's true but if it is then some things never change.

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