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Jimmy Tarbuck arrested.


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A woman barrister has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13 ffs. This, in her view, would 'end the persecution of old men'. She also described Stuart Halls crimes as 'low level misdemeanours, which ordinarily....would not be prosecuted'.


And this comes AFTER Hall admitted what he'd done.


Obviously she thinks these minors (at the time) -  who are now getting the courage together to deal with what's happened to them - are not victims at all then? Try telling that to these women, who've had to live with what he did to them all this time.


I'd put it to her that these were grown men who took advantage of underage girls so they could satisfy their own fookin sick and perverted agendas, all the while hiding behind their 'famous celebrity' personas.


I used to love Stuart Hall way back when, but now he's like the rest of them, a dirty, disgusting peodophile who had a much darker side to him, one he kept well hidden.

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A woman barrister has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13 ffs. This, in her view, would 'end the persecution of old men'. She also described Stuart Halls crimes as 'low level misdemeanours, which ordinarily....would not be prosecuted'.


And this comes AFTER Hall admitted what he'd done.


Obviously she thinks these minors (at the time) -  who are now getting the courage together to deal with what's happened to them - are not victims at all then? Try telling that to these women, who've had to live with what he did to them all this time.


I'd put it to her that these were grown men who took advantage of underage girls so they could satisfy their own fookin sick and perverted agendas, all the while hiding behind their 'famous celebrity' personas.


I used to love Stuart Hall way back when, but now he's like the rest of them, a dirty, disgusting peodophile who had a much darker side to him, one he kept well hidden.

the woman was on Radio2 this afternoon.

Jeremy Vine said "so if you caught someone putting their hand up your daughters skirt in your front room you wouldn't call the police?"

"No" she said, "I'd tell you off and make sure I never left you in the same room again"

Oh, by the way, she has no children.

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the woman was on Radio2 this afternoon.

Jeremy Vine said "so if you caught someone putting their hand up your daughters skirt in your front room you wouldn't call the police?"

"No" she said, "I'd tell you off and make sure I never left you in the same room again"

Oh, by the way, she has no children.

With that attitude, I hope she never has children. It would be unfair to them to have her as a mother.


Stupid, thoughtless, brainless, horrible, callous cow.


If I caught a perv with my daughter, I think I'd be the one gladly going to prison for cutting off his ****** with a pair of blunt scissors.


I can't believe anyone, least of all a barrister, would think perverted behaviour is actually acceptable?

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I'm sure there must be some brilliant barristers and lawyers, I'd never believe all of them are without morals. There's some who'd definately fight for the real victims and get them the justice they deserve.


The barrister in question here doesn't seem to have any concept of basic rights and wrongs. I find that baffling.

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I just think that there is something wrong when a barrister defends a client that they know is guilty and does their damndest to get them off - just isn't right. As for the lady in the quote I think she has a tenuous grasp on reality.

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We used to have a Tory MP in East Staffs, Ivan Lawrence. It was back in the 80's and I remember him campaigning on family values, law and order, proper Thatcherite values.......he was a barrister and defended the armed robbers who did the Brinks Mat Heathrow gold heist.

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I just think that there is something wrong when a barrister defends a client that they know is guilty and does their damndest to get them off - just isn't right. As for the lady in the quote I think she has a tenuous grasp on reality.

Yep, I wondered how the Philpott's lawyer could defend them when all the evidence was coming out. I couldn't do it, don't know how they can but I s'pose they're obligated by law to defend people?


But her grasp on reality is that thin it's anorexic. What message would lowering the age of consent send out to filthy men who are perverts? Besides anything else, 13 year old children are nowhere near mature enough, mentally or physically, to be able to deal with some things, least of all sex. It's a horrendous suggestion.


No wonder the office she works for have completely distanced themselves from her comments, she may be an expert in her field, but on this she couldn't be more wrong.

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