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Black Sabbath


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The mighty Sabs are undertaking a short tour of the UK in December.


Nearest gig to Derby is (I think) Sheffield Arena on Saturday, Dec 14th. I'm hoping Derby are playing somewhere horrendous like Middlesbrough away, because this is an event I am NOT going to miss. Tickets go on sale tomorrow.


New album out soon too - their first one for over 30 years. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven hell.

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Sad news today that Ozzie has been back on the booze and drugs, but so far been on the wagon for 44 days, but he's denying reports his 30 year marriage is in trouble.

He hasn't half had some demons to deal with, hope they can both come out if it.

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Sad news today that Ozzie has been back on the booze and drugs, but so far been on the wagon for 44 days, but he's denying reports his 30 year marriage is in trouble.

He hasn't half had some demons to deal with, hope they can both come out if it.




Both ?.. meaning Ozzie and his Demons ??

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Some bands don't know when enough is enough, The Rolling Stones playing Hyde Park this summer, am surprised they will be able to get on stage with their zimmer frames, are The Sabs that hard up for cash they need to start touring again?

Doubt very much they need the money, they do it cos they can, cos they've still got it.

Old, young, middle aged fans - it doesn't matter. Their last song was a hit, their fan base is solid and they still have sold out concerts. Why would they stop?

I remember when Bon Jovi first appeared, they were brilliant then and they're still brilliant now and that's about 25 years ago. Miles better than some of the carp Featuring more carp that's around today.

So my vote goes to the ageing rockers.

Aaarrrgh! I must be old!!

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Noooo you can't come on here and admit you like Bon Jovi lol and you seemed so nice too :) actually do have Slippery when Wet kicking around somewhere for my sins  :rolleyes: You know when you're getting old when your god daughter asks you for a Nicki Minaj album and you haven't a scooby who she's on about whoops 

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Noooo you can't come on here and admit you like Bon Jovi lol and you seemed so nice too :) actually do have Slippery when Wet kicking around somewhere for my sins  :rolleyes: You know when you're getting old when your god daughter asks you for a Nicki Minaj album and you haven't a scooby who she's on about whoops 


You can't?? Crap, better change my name!

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the 'slippery when wet' bit got my attention..

Nicky Minge ??..

I was waiting for some pigdog to say that. Mo55y takes the prize!
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