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Happy Mothers Day!


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Didnt think I had it in me??? Where do you think your bambini came from???


Cheers mate, all very daunting at min and doesnt seem real? if that makes sense, keep showing ppl the pic more for myself than for them!!!

It's awesome. The connection you'll have is unlike anything you have with anyone. Even your missus.

First time I found out I was excited and then tbh I felt trapped. No more doing what I wanted. Especially when we got back from the hospital. I obviously let my missus get some sleep but I'd been to work in the day, baby was born 4:18am and for the rest of the day people wanted to see us from the minute we got home. My missus went to bed about 10ish and all was well until 1am. The baby woke up a cried until 4am. How I didn't pack my bags I have no idea. I wanted to escape. Like really felt I wasn't cut out for it!

But mate, it gets better and better! 1 year from now you'll be saying you wish you'd done it sooner!

Do you know what you're having?

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Never mind, I saw your other message. You keeping it a surprise then?

Thanks man, what you said is true so far mate, excited with a side of feeling trapped but then again were married, have house and guess this is what you do next? Lol

We're only at thirteen weeks mate so unsure in sex but we are going to found out at twenty one weeks! Due seventeenth of September!

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I'm sorry but call me old fashioned I can't condone these same sex relationships poor kid will be confused wondering who his father is. I bet Mary takes on the father role.

what? Very little?

I must admit, I did the weekend wakes.

I was working in the week dustsee, you have to tell em.

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