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Worst beer you ever drank ?


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Any lager 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />

Weihenstephaner Original

Spaten Munchner Hell

Hofbrau Original

Porterhouse Vienna (dark lager)

Andescher Doppelbock Dunkel

Schneider Aventinus Eisbock

All well worth trying. The trouble is, you will hardly ever see any of them in pubs in the UK. The only lager you will generally see in UK pubs and supermarkets is the generic mass-produced big brewery stuff, brewed specifically to have as little flavour as possible.

'Lager' is a generic term relating to the storage of the beer (it means 'to lie down'). A 'real' lager is notoriously difficult to get to clear, and the best way is just to leave it in the dark at very low temperatures for several months. This used to be done in caves or cellars and takes weeks or months for the yeast and trub to settle out. Of course, the big breweries don't bother with that - sterile filtration and pasteurisation as soon as primary fermentation is winding down is good enough for them.

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Very interesting that. Cheers Eddie.

You'll have to search out my home brew thread.

Will do.

I'm an all-grain brewer myself specialising in trappist-style rocket-fuel.

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i aim to be, but depends on a gluten test that I must get done, if its positive, I might be stuffed.

Not necessarily stuffed - you might need to consider malting your own buckwheat. There are a number of homebrew websites with sections on brewing gluten-free.

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Oranjee boom ! Minging

I once tried a bottle of the ultra-strong version of oranjeboom when I was in Holland, just to see what it was like. Yes, I probably was wasted at the time. It was something like 12% alcohol, and actually made Tennents Super taste good by comparison.

Foul muck.

Funnily enough, Grolsch make an ultra-strong beer called Kanon, and that's quite drinkable in a masochistic sort of way.

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Lager is like pop music. Everyone assumes it's generic crap but if you take the time to dig a little deeper, there's genius out there.

And believe me, Skol is the worst. I went to Reading festival last year and they were advertising "3 free beers for everyone!" Now don't get me wrong I wasn't exactly expecting Erdinger, but maybe some Carling or some other average beer. 3 cans of Skol in a plastic bag. 3% and tasted like feet. Unbelievable.

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