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April Jones


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Same here LR, what on earth is wrong with people like him?

I have no idea Private, what can anybody say other than they're sick, depraved and twisted?

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Let's not judge Mark Bridger until he is found guilty in a court of law. I cannot agree with the system when his name is out there for all to see and he is an innocent man unless proven otherwise.

Even if he is cleared then folk will not trust him and his life will be in tatters.

Let's also not judge the parents. We all have our different ways of bringing up our kids and what's right for one isn't necessarily right for another.

My thoughts go out to the families of both the missing girl and the family of the accused.

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Can't say I agree with the system either but they would of had to release pictures of him for anybody that saw him to come forward with information, Sky News interviewed a few people and he was fairly well known in the area already so his name would of come out regardless.

Short off topic story, my missus saw a guy getting a good kick in by one of the local chavs outside our shop that lives across the road, turns out he ended up with a broken arm and fractured eye socket. She gave a statement and a couple months later was asked to attend court.

She rang to say she couldn't make it as it was during shop hours and wants to remain anonymous anyhow as we didn't want any come back on the shop.

Too late apparently, her name and our home address has already been passed onto the defence, apparently the Police should of told us this at the time which they didn't, safe to say she's been a bit jumpy now when someone knocks on the door and the court case starts this week.

I can't understand why this information has to be passed on at all, I can understand how they need to verify the witness exists but surely there are better ways than passing on names and addresses to the scumbags that commit the crimes.

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I read in the news that she was allowed out later than usual due to a glowing school report, that's ok but when you look at the map and all the green directly in front of the house she could be playing on yet was allowed to play out of sight at garages near a main road.....


I realise you can't wrap them up in cotton wool but 5 years old you need to be having eyes on at all times if allowed outside alone surely.

if they were doctors instead of being normal working class folk, nothing would be a problem.
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not by as many or down the nose.

not saying you is though boss.

To be fair it's two entirely different situations, one being aloud to play quite a distance away from the house next to a road at night the other asleep in a hotel room. Maybe it's just the way I was brought up is why I can't understand it, maybe it is more common now at that age I don't know. I do have sympathy for both but at the same time "Why would you" is in my head.

Times are changing I guess

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I know parents do things differently and what's right for one isn't right for another. But surely, no matter how you do it, their safety has to be priority number 1?

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This is a wholly sickening case.I am afraid they will not find this little girl alive.My heart goes out to the parents but there is no way that a 5 year old child should be playing out away from the house at that time of night.When are people going to realise that the streets are not safe? Last night a man was seen exposing himself at girls near rollerworld at 7pm. It is a sick world out there and parents must keep their children safe.It isnt wrapping them in cotton wool,it is parenting.Plain and simple.

I also think that Sky news coverage has been a bit too intrusive.Kay Burley has had her heart removed and replaced with a swinging brick.

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I read yesterday that the man who's been charged is Aprils' older step sisters' Uncle.

I so hope they find her and this doesn't end the same as that poor, poor woman who died before she managed to find her son Keith Bennet. Ian Brady's another one who should have hanged years ago, along with the evil bitch who helped him do it. B*stards. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

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Can't say I agree with the system either but they would of had to release pictures of him for anybody that saw him to come forward with information, Sky News interviewed a few people and he was fairly well known in the area already so his name would of come out regardless.

Short off topic story, my missus saw a guy getting a good kick in by one of the local chavs outside our shop that lives across the road, turns out he ended up with a broken arm and fractured eye socket. She gave a statement and a couple months later was asked to attend court.

She rang to say she couldn't make it as it was during shop hours and wants to remain anonymous anyhow as we didn't want any come back on the shop.

Too late apparently, her name and our home address has already been passed onto the defence, apparently the Police should of told us this at the time which they didn't, safe to say she's been a bit jumpy now when someone knocks on the door and the court case starts this week.

I can't understand why this information has to be passed on at all, I can understand how they need to verify the witness exists but surely there are better ways than passing on names and addresses to the scumbags that commit the crimes.

I didn't see this till just - the defence have her name, but the defendant will not know it. If she's feeling vulnerable or intimidated, she can apply for special measures, just get in touch with Witness Care - then when she's at court, she will be looked after by Witness Service. She can have screens round her and sometimes people can give evidence via video link. If she gets any intimidation whatsoever, she should contact the police immediately. Your 'missus' is doing her bit for society and I know it can be a pain and frightening but she's doing the right thing and it's a shame that sometimes the justice system doesn't understand what it means to give evidence. I hope she gets looked after properly.

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