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Everything posted by CapeTownRams

  1. In truth I don’t think there’s one positive out of tonight’s game … Truly an abject, embarrassing and lackluster performance. But it’s just a crappy Cup … forget this and move on to more important things i.e. the League..
  2. Bradford keeper fine but wasting 5 mins..:
  3. To be honest it never really bothered me if we weren’t in this Cup.. league being the priority ….but this has been embarrassing and awful. Worse than Crewe game. Been lots of talk recently about the character and grit of the team… totally absent so far tonight… we need to see it…
  4. Ward…. Oh dear.. Elder looks knackered…
  5. Crikey, this is cra@p But must be positive…. It’s still 0-0…
  6. Vickers wanting to kick long rather than play out too often…. Think we miss Cash as that outlet and also his long-range passes..
  7. We have no attacking threat at all. Maybe shows how Collins is so much more effective when he has another forward player up with him…?? Plus maybe more midfield creativity required ??
  8. Sloppy start. Think we will see how much we rely on Cash bringing and passing the ball out from the back….
  9. ‘No interest….AT THIS POINT’……….suggests a possible interest to me….
  10. Reading the Sheffield news it seems this is a dead-end, with him staying with Utd….
  11. One of the interesting changes in how we have played over the last few games is how often Nelson either stays up-field after a corner/fk or actually charges up-field as part of a Rams break.. Saw him do it occasionally before but it’s far more often now. It’s obviously something that has been talked about and worked on. Brings another interesting dimension to our play- with the possible negative of course of us being caught short at the back.. Interesting to see if it continues…
  12. Tricky one …: …,love to keep the winning streak going but league/promotion has to be the priority …. Needless distraction and tiring of older legs for some… ??? Would love to play a great many of the U21 side to get experience but we’d have to go into in knowing we would likely lose… 🤷
  13. The JJ non-peno decision was awful…
  14. Totally agree. It was a great win the overall scheme of things…. We just needed the win no matter how we did it after the disappointment of the Posh game. The lads did well. Pleasantly surprised too, as to how well the senior players had recovered fitness-wise after the hectic Xmas period 👍
  15. He did use the word ‘drop’ once and I think that’s what it was …:he did also mention how Vickers had trained well… …. albeit with the added benefit that Vickers needed a competitive game…
  16. Stockley was Bradley’s to mark- he just wasn’t close enough to him- Cashin may have been in open space but Stockley wasn’t his responsibility in that situation… I’m confident that if we had been playing two in the centre Cash would have tried to pick him up..symptomatic in my view of how the three at the back with Bradley in the centre brings confusion… ….:the modern World I guess of the cancel culture….but can never understand or accept someone wanting to deny someone else their opinion, whether it’s a criticism or not…. It makes them no less of a fan… We all want the team to play at its best- even PW says that after a good win he still wants a better performance..
  17. I’m looking at his displays and how it also seems to affect those around him. Yes, a win is a win…..but how many games has he played in when we have won comfortably…….. his appalling marking today for their goal a case in point …he just seems so ‘off’….. My opinion. Sticking with it. i want us to be better……
  18. A win despite…… he’s a disaster.
  19. Hate to say it but chaos seems to reign defensively whenever Bradley plays. We were told heading etc was his strength and with his height it should be…. But he’s useless in the air. Yes…. Cue the ‘it’s early yet- he may come good’ comments- but to me he looks like a disastrous acquisition and a massive waste of money (wages-wise)..
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