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Posts posted by Gordamn

  1. 21 minutes ago, Dimmu said:

    I thought the same, existence is the most important one.

    But then again, destroying EFL should be about as important. If they are the organisation we should play under, I can't see things going well for us anytime soon. Therefore, I wouldn't mind a breakaway league under a fair organisation and a fair amount of money from tv-deals. I'm sure there's plenty of well-followed teams, especially in lower leagues, who'd be up to it. (Sunderland, Bradford, Sheff Wed, Portsmouth, Ipswich, Charlton etc.)

    Huge risk for lower clubs who don't have rich owners to finance the years and years needed. Nice to imagine but would take so long to implement and would require a mass shift away from  current set up.

    I don't think there would be a lot of teams up for it who would risk their survival on a break away league which may or may not work. Lots of our fans (myself included) would do anything to survive.

    Doing a breakaway league would be almost the same as liquidation. Do like the idea but the only realistic approach is independent regulator's and an overhaul of the EFL. Prob could add in sensible owners not using football teams as an hobby...

  2. 11 minutes ago, Ken Tram said:

    Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to argue!

    I think that the regulator was at fault to allow stadium-sales to count towards Financial Fair Play.

    It may not have been the regulator's intention. 

    Maybe Derby and other clubs found a loophole.

    But I think that it was not wrong for a club like Middlesbrough to challenge such actions - because, as you say, the loophole was later closed.

    I genuinely think this would have been resolved by now if MM hadn't made it personal between him and SG.

    Don't blame boro or their fans for disliking us. Will blame SG if we get liquidated and he gets nothing as will simply show its petty revenge towards our old owner over wanting compensation.

    As always the EFL is useless and I can't see how they could have mismanaged this any more.

  3. Evening all, long term lurker, 

    My reason for posting is that the more I read, the angrier I get at MM. Simply put SG wouldn’t have a claim if MM hadn’t rodgered us. SG is an odious lil man (careful to avoid the swear filter) but do I think he hates Derby, no. Do I think he hates MM, absolutely. Do I think he would force us into liquidation to cement MMs place in history as the man who oversaw DCFC ceasing to be, yes! We will go to the wall for 3 reasons if this isn’t resolved, MM’s mismanagement, the EFL being worse than useless and two grown men in MM and SG having a drawn out spat.

    Gibson said we were cheating FFP and Morris told him to do one. We then are found to have breached FFP (thank you EFL for the u-turn). In their minds we have taken the mick, laughed at them when they pointed it out and now are laughing hard at us. I don’t think the majority of them want to see us liquidated but so much bad blood was created between the two owners that they simply don't want to back down. I am just so hacked off that MM picked a fight with everyone then walked away from it. In terms of survival could he gift the stadium back (unsure if that’s possible legally) to sweeten the deal for any new owner? Any money saved on the ground could then be used to pacify Boro and Wycombe. Yes it would suck to pay anything but not as much as liquidation.

    We have buyers ready to go, the only thing the EFL have to do is say whether the claims are a football debt. That is the one question they need to answer to resolve this. Until they say whether Boro/WW claims are football debts or not we are stuck. Saying an unproven claim is a football debt opens up pandoras box so they won’t say it. Saying they aren’t football debts gets them sued by Boro. This leads to no action which ducks us as well. Given recent attention though they can’t do nothing so they have to make a decision…. Surely….

    SG may be the guy that delivers the death blow, but MM was the guy who crippled us to make it possible. EFL can be the police watching it all happen but are on a break so can't be bothered to do anything.  Anyway rant over and I'll go back to lurking.

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