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Returning ram

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Everything posted by Returning ram

  1. Clowes always said "competitive" budget", he never once to my knowledge said there was a lot of money available for transfer fees, nor did he say we had the highest in the league. The EFL lifted restrictions for us to spend money, however we still had to stay within the budget agreed and although there was money available as confirmed by PW as being left over from the summer budget, we wasn't allowed to spend that on a permanent deal, instead we had to loan a player in to get around the agreed plan. Therefore I can only assume (guess) that it wasn't that easy for the club to bring in permanent deals using a transfer fee regardless of money being available. No one knows for definite what his budget was, for wages or transfer fees, they are only guessing. However I don't think PW has once moaned about it and not only that but delivered a record points total, record games won away and was it goals scored as well ๐Ÿ˜ Irony is that I have seen on social media today a lot of Derby fans saying LR sacking was harsh as although he has the budget not the time, the same ones wanting PW gone after 2 months of the season ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Can't argue with facts...give all the opinions you want, but it's their in the history books for all to see ๐Ÿ˜ That tastes like... records being broken ๐Ÿธ
  3. Comparing him to a manager from 35 years ago just backs up my post ๐Ÿ˜Š I said he was the most successful in points return, I think he'll take a comparison against Arthur though and a testament to what he has achieved ๐Ÿฅณ
  4. By you maybe not, however by the people that count, fortunately it is ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Regardless of budgets, we will go down as our best manager in history in terms of points return and our most successful since Billy D. Succeeded where the lines of SM and co failed, give me another season of his football (which I enjoyed) and a promotion over anything served up on all of Mels tenure. Also one of very few that didn't bottle it going into the final part of the season, didn't panic like those before and deserves all the plaudits for doing so. Get that statue built ๐Ÿ˜Š
  6. Just come back on to congratulate PW, records broken and another promotion on his already impressive CV. I will be disappearing again, although will keep an eye on transfer forum and don't worry @LeedsCityRam, our bet still stands and I will happily pay up if I lose. It may have been a minority, however the constant sniping at everything PW did, took the enjoyment out of the forum for me, from hampering the academy, not having the ability to get players in, PW football etc...he only had to lose one game and they were endless and imo unsubstantiated. I do appreciate though, it's all about opinions, so fair enough. I will come back though when he leads us to the PL ๐Ÿฅณ
  7. He did, from what I have read from the case notes, his downfall was he didn't leave enough in reserve to pay his company's salary. Had he done that, in theory would have anyone been any of the wiser. Maybe he was using us an investment vehicle, but doesn't make sense because football clubs don't generate cash. I'm guessing he must have had a plan, because the commodities he bought / tried to buy were bizzare purchases, although maybe he was trying to get a persona to generate even more investment. His fraud was quite small compared to some over the years, Lurkin coffee being one of my favourite's and an example of how you can cover your tracks. I expect when his case is finally over he will be used as a case example so that should shed more light.
  8. Source of funds, you have to do that for opening a bank account, hence why it's difficult to turn large profits from crypto into fiat currency. However, his audit trail will have been robust as he already has the funds in a bank account from his own company. The red flags that I can see were only that the money didn't arrive, with money in his account, an audit trail for SOF, what was glaringly obvious ?
  9. To fund his lifestyle. What he expected to get from purchasing a football club though is strange, but then why buy a private jet ? None of it makes sense. For me Quantum couldn't be held accountable in the first instance, those saying they knew from the beginning should work in an FI, they'd make a fortune ๐Ÿคจ The reality is though, it was the time delay that Quantum should have acted on, however I guess they were is so deep they just kept hoping the funds would appear.
  10. We are winning without him, you think he is good enough to lead the attack for Derby then fair enough, but he isn't, far from it. Let's play a kid just to keep a youngster who other clubs are sniffing around, he might be ready but who needs promotion anyway. I think looking at Cashin or Bird shows if you are good enough there are opportunities. I don't think I have ever not engaged with anyone on football before, however your tunnel vision with regards to PW seems to have resulted in posts that are just bashing him for the sake of it, so I'll leave you to it from now on ๐Ÿ‘
  11. That he isn't ready yet ? He can't even get in the Gateshead team ๐Ÿ˜ณ Not sure what you expect Roy, I really don't, it wasn't long ago Pep was saying Foden wasn't ready for the first team.
  12. Chelsea lost with a younger team, that's the irony. Bradley who impresses, spent time on loan, Clark was signed for 1.5 million, McDonnell was signed from Sunderland academy. All of this is ignored though and just goes to highlight the agenda against PW by some.
  13. WTF is PW playing at, we have just lost a game and he doesn't think it's worth it ๐Ÿ˜ณ Did he not see Klopp yesterday, he should be bringing him back to give him experience for the sake of it ๐Ÿคจ
  14. Not really, in reality I dont know where we will finish, if I did I wouldn't have a betting record as I do, but why not go with a positive outlook rather than a negative one. I'll also say, although I'll be disappointed if we don't go up, it won't be the end of the world, I'll still be going to games on a regular basis next season. Yes it may be a lower division, yes I may never see my dream of watching the Rams in Europe, but it will still be a game of football between two teams over 90 minutes. It may be Warne in charge, it may not, but ultimately football to me is not just about the 90 mins, it's everything that goes with it, yes I want to see the team succeed, but if they don't I'll carry going to the games with the mindset they will win each one, whoever wears the shirt or manages them ๐Ÿ˜
  15. A good point, a lot seems to be cut and paste, more akin to the season rather than the game. Thought the ref was fine, didn't influence the result and tried to let the game go without calling for all niggling fouls. For me, I can see why DG was left on bench, PW likes to influence games at a latter stage with his subs, and had Waghorn been fit he probably would have started him. Biggest downfall was ball retention, Wildsmith seemed to start it and it continued throughout the team. Something I believe CH does is slow the game down on purpose, keeping the ball and making the opponent chase, this didn't happen. That said, thought we didn't look in any danger until their goal that came out the blue, we then ride the storm and I thought we were in control again by time they hit their second. Thought then the final ball let us down, bad decisions when we got in good positions. Still celebrating the DG goal, even though I think he was offside and it didn't even go in ๐Ÿ™ˆ
  16. Thought the atmosphere was pretty good yesterday, obviously a win would have been ideal however I think the majority have come to accept we are going to lose some along the way. Coming on here though after a loss is predictable and boring, I can accept debate and opinions however in the main it seems to be the same posters who are just waiting to jump all over PW. It's a forum though, they are entitled as much as anyone else and fair enough, probably the answer for me is to just not read a match day thread, because I think as long as PW is in charge, it will continue. Still think we will go up in autos and looking forward to enjoying the rest of the season, yesterday is what football is all about, haven't got to as many away days as I'd hoped this season ๐Ÿ˜Š
  17. Not sure if that's irony or proving my point ๐Ÿคจ
  18. So we are the lowest on goals scored in the league ? Or has he just made us an effective team ?
  19. Ok, I'll ask you straight...do you think PW has contributed to the good position we are in by the league and deserves credit for that ?
  20. On the flip side, when we win, are you as quick (not you personally) to praise the play and tactical style.
  21. And that's why it's tedious to some, you're inconspicuous by your absence when we win, but then when they lose, it's all PW fault. I get it, you don't like him, however we are going to lose games, this forum becomes unbearable when we lose, rationale goes out the window and it becomes a crusade against the manager. Once again, everyone has an opinion, nothing wrong with it, but to sometimes it would be nice to have a bit of balance.
  22. We were, so we're they. It was a third tier game, must admit don't get best view from behind goal, but thought a draw would have been fair. Fair enough on criticism, but have you posted any positive comments towards PW for the recent form we been on ?
  23. Totally agree, however the post mentioned Thompson having 25 games the season before and then not being trusted by PW. Nothing about a newbie.
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