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  1. Sadly this will be my last match today. My first was in 1956 as a 13year old, My dad used to take me before that but he stopped going when we went down to the third division north. My mate and I would catch the 12 oclock bus from Melbourne and be the first in the ground. We stood in the Normanton end pigeon loft, I think it was 3 shilling. To this day I remember that team. We were champions in 1957 and I ran onto the pitch after the last match against Southport, Ray Straw scored 37 goals that season, The next ten years saw me start work, get married and have two children, I had moved to Derby, and after my family, the Rams were the most important thing in my life I never missed a home game in those ten years even though we were only an average second division side. And then in 1966 after England won the world cup my mate and I decided to have a season ticket, Little did we know what would happen that season, I was at work one day and a Rams supporting work mate told me we had signed a player from Bradford Park Avenue, his name was Kevin Hector I'd never heard of him but he was without doubt the most wonderful footballer to grace the Baseball Ground I had ever seen, and because of this we wanted to see more players like him which led to Tim Ward getting the sack and BC becoming Manager, what followed was ten years of unbelievable success and enjoyment. And then things started to go wrong off and on the pitch and I stopped being a season ticket holder during Peter Taylors time as manager, i still loved The Rams of course and when I turned 65 and retired my old mate from Melbourne and I bought season tickets again. But sadly covid left my best friend of 80 years with a dementia problem and he know no longer knows me. For the last two seasons I have been going alone to the match but its just not the same for me. Therefore I am calling it a day, as I write this I am welling up as I will do this afternoon. Thank you Derby County for every thing I will love you till I die.
  2. I am 81 and for 65 of those years I have been a bitter drinker, in the 60s,70s and 80s I was a heavy drinker but as i got older my drinking habits changed, I now drink red wine and whisky with the occasional pint of Abbot. I like to read your posts about Belgian beer but have never tried any, I have been to Belgium a number of times but have drunk the bog standard draught beer as i have else ware in Europe. So I see the Beer Lidl have for sale are Blondes, triple hop, dark double and cuvee des trolls ale. None of that means anything to me. I have decided to try one, which should i try first? and are these beers drunk chilled or room temperature? not a fan of cold lager type beer. Cheers
  3. Happy Christmas to all RAMS fans wherever you are. I am 81 today been a Rams fan for 70 of those years.
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