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Taxpayer cost of Policing football is "substantial"


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England's most senior football Policing Officer has said he believes clubs should be paying millions more towards the cost of staging games.


There's an interesting audio clip from Andy Holt - The leading football Officer in ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers)

What do you lot think?

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Basically clubs are saying that fans are being made to pay for policing twice (council tax and then again by paying increased ticket prices)

The Police are saying that only football fans attend football matches be that 75,000 at Old Trafford or 33,000 at Pride Park. So why should Doris and Mary from Bluebell court cough up?

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He was speaking after Acpo-commissioned research found a significant rise in crime and disorder away from stadiums on match days.

Away from, so basically the crims start robbing and fighting as they know the cops are at the match. So when the cops are not at the match, go catch more crims!

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He was speaking after Acpo-commissioned research found a significant rise in crime and disorder away from stadiums on match days.

Away from, so basically the crims start robbing and fighting as they know the cops are at the match. So when the cops are not at the match, go catch more crims!

Stop talking sense.

When Wales were playing Italy in the 6 Nations, the local bakery had it's window smashed, but were told that no police were available to come out as they were all in Kerdiff for the rugby.

And we are about 30 miles away from Kerdiff.

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England's most senior football Policing Officer has said he believes clubs should be paying millions more towards the cost of staging games.


There's an interesting audio clip from Andy Holt - The leading football Officer in ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers)

What do you lot think?

Just found this.


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That's interesting LR, never heard of this happening in Britain before?

The Police haven't got a pot to p!ss in. The real reason they can't police it is because they have no money for over time.

Big shame for the fans. I went to a Stoke v Millwall match once that only Stokie's were allowed to, it was very eerie! Especially as Stoke only had a couple of thousand fans then.

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