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Sport Relief 2012


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Anyone else getting slightly bored with this every year?

Throwing money at Africa isnt going to solve the problems they've got, it's like putting a £10 note in Bill Gates' birthday card.

Im always sceptical about where this money is actually going as well, wouldnt surprise me if it was straight in some of these African countries governments back pocket.

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Anyone else getting slightly bored with this every year?

Throwing money at Africa isnt going to solve the problems they've got, it's like putting a £10 note in Bill Gates' birthday card.

Im always sceptical about where this money is actually going as well, wouldnt surprise me if it was straight in some of these African countries governments back pocket.

Totally agree with this.

All the problems in Africa are capable of being sorted out by politicians.

They choose not to, so voluntary organisations try to pick up the pieces based purely on a humanitarian level.

Its not compulsorily to help. If we all gave a fook we could force the politicians to sort it, but, unfortunately we don't, so if individuals want to help a particular village to get fresh water then fair play.

No ones forcing anyone to donate.

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I watched John Bishops programme the other night, his efforts of cycling from Paris to Calais, then rowing across the channel, then running from Dover ( I think) all the way to London (which was in effect 3 marathons in 3 days) in an enormous amount of pain was awesome - and raised £1,600,000 with more to come in.

David Walliams raised over 2.5 mill but it was him going over there and seeing young boys sleeping on the side of a busy road, open to abuse and attacks which I found hard to watch - but then one of the boys he helped recorded a thankyou message and he's doing better now. He had better clothes on his back and somewhere proper to sleep and eat, which left David in tears.

Only someone with a heart of stone wouldn't have been affected by his story, which is only one out of a massive number.

I like to think the money we've donated as a family to our different schools goes to where it should go and not to line some corrupt politicians pocket, cos it's an absolute travesty it's allowed to happen. What shocks me is that the rich in the areas must behave and act like these people are invisible and not worthy of any help.

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