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Help Required, not spam! An honest plea to all Rams


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Hello all Rams, a local band from my town (Buxton) are in contention with winning a slot to play at Y-Not festival this year but they need to have the most votes and they are currently trailing by 20 votes so please please please could you click on http://www.facebook.com/questions/10150659124129334/?notif_t=question_answer and vote for THE STAND please. Thank you all so much.


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Thank you so much, and yeah they're very good. There's only 2 bands in contention now, both have over 1800 votes now and none of the rest have anywhere near that. The Stand have played the Cavern Club (Where the Beatles were first noticed) a few times and they've got quite a fan base in and around Buxton. So yeah only takes 10 seconds, cheers you lot!

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Whoever moderates this forum, please don't take this down until 6pm as that's when the competition closes. It needs as much attention as people so this is an honest plea to whoever looks after this forum, just 3 hours worth of coverage pleaaase.

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Not really an honest plea, we are voting for a band because you have asked us to so if they win it isn't on their merit, it is because of the nice people on this forum. Surely voting for something blind makes a mockery of democracy? I would vote but I don't do have facebook

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They have already come through 1 phase of the competition and now they are in the final stage where there are only 10 bands shortlisted. I believe they deserve it, and yes you're right the people of this forum can only take my word for it. But still, it takes 10 seconds to vote, i'm not asking for a limb. Just a little help to a fellow Ram.

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