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80's style hooliganism lives on.....


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Sorry, just wanted you to notice this post lol,

Over in the US you have People legging it onto Baseball games and various other sports events and i'm pretty sure they dont get banned. Its a bit of fun over there..

Eh, tell that to my dumbass buddy who got charges of trespassing, indecent exposure, and a minor in consumption. Generally though, the charges usually get lowered significantly. Once in a while they even escape into legendary status...


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Two things I love about that-

1.The way the security just run backwards and forwards under the grass platform-what are they doing?

2. The incessant cheering and screaming that Americans are given to spout in these situations (is it because it is the most interesting to thing to happen at baseball ever?)

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Two things I love about that-

1.The way the security just run backwards and forwards under the grass platform-what are they doing?

2. The incessant cheering and screaming that Americans are given to spout in these situations (is it because it is the most interesting to thing to happen at baseball ever?)

1. It looks like there is different levels to it and he couldn't reach the man in question.

2. Yes.

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I would of been pi55ed!

I would demand a refund for missing the majority of the game

Demanding a refund for having the game delayed by a minute in a sport where the biggest thing is just sitting and drinking overpriced beer for about 2-3 hours while watching out of shape latinos hit a small ball around? Seems ballsy.

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Demanding a refund for having the game delayed by a minute in a sport where the biggest thing is just sitting and drinking overpriced beer for about 2-3 hours while watching out of shape latinos hit a small ball around? Seems ballsy.

He was on about the Forest fan I think. Good summing up of Baseball though- we play it over here, it's called "rounders" and is very much the preserve of little girls.

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He was on about the Forest fan I think. Good summing up of Baseball though- we play it over here, it's called "rounders" and is very much the preserve of little girls.

I actually kinda like playing it myself if it's of the slow pitch softball beer league variety. It's also fairly fun in person(beer helps again). But watching it on TV makes me want to cry tears of boredom. Bananas, even as little as I care about it I can't but be depressed over the fact the Royals haven't even made it to the playoffs since 85'.

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Stewards are power mad ******.I know a few and they love it.They think they are the police.

I was watching sky sports the other day and there was a clip of Robin Van Persie scoring a goal.At the end of the match RVP went to the Arsenal fans to throw his shirt into the crowd.As he was throwing it a steward tried to stop him and could clearly be seen to say"dont throw that".

Boody ridiculous.

I cannot stand them

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One of my most hated things they do is when on the rare the players show a bit of passion and run towards the crowd to celebrate, a wall of stewards just appears out of the ether 5 yards from the stand and blocks them off. Let the fans get near enough to touch them FFS!

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One of my most hated things they do is when on the rare the players show a bit of passion and run towards the crowd to celebrate, a wall of stewards just appears out of the ether 5 yards from the stand and blocks them off. Let the fans get near enough to touch them FFS!

I THINK, thats to keep the Player from being stabbed or hurt.. Not to annoy the fans.. Mad people do made things

Eh, tell that to my dumbass buddy who got charges of trespassing, indecent exposure, and a minor in consumption. Generally though, the charges usually get lowered significantly. Once in a while they even escape into legendary status...


Can you send me some more info about where he was taken what the said to him and what happened with the police and if he got in serious trouble, in a PM please?.. Always been interested to see what happens to these people

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Employ ex football fans as stewards, as they understand the passion involved in the game. Oh wait...

middlesbrough did this with there hooligans years ago to try n stop the trouble,.... It never, it fed into there hands... Oi mister, sit down.... Feck orf... Lamp, all hell broke loose
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Without knowing the full story (do you ever get the full story?), sounds like another case of a heavy-handed approach where a simple one would have been enough. If it was the first thing he'd done, a quiet word and a "don't do that" ought to be enough. Repeatedly doing something when you've been told not to, fair enough.

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