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Bueno, the 'Leaping Salmon'

Alex W

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Roberts always impressed for Doncaster, but it's never worked for him here.

Other than Moxey, do we have anyone else that can cover leftback?

Fitness and confidence are what he desperately needs, but to be honest, I'm not even sure that would turn him into a player that wouldn't look out of place in our current side.

Probably the same can be said of Pearson as well. Bailey will walk into the side next week I'm sure.

Pearson looks lost in the formation! He has got great place and run at players, but when he gets to the end of his run he just doent know what to do with it! He cant pick out the pass quick enough and his touch today wasn't great!!! The number of times he broke down a good bit of interplay with a heavy first touch or poor intelligence! In other formations he can work but with this flowing passing football im not quite sure. Maybe woth more matches under his belt it might come...we'll see!

Missed brayford and moxey pusing down the wings to! Brayford had a fantastic game at centre back but it does restrict his forward play!!

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bloomers & rog said they didn't think it was a peno at first but when they saw the replay it was definately a peno

Roger davies says anything in and around the box that looks slightly like some shoving is a foul.

In real time, looked like a massive dive. The kind of thing you'd see given alot in Spain, but very rarely over here.

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Sat behind the goal in the North Stand I got a very good view of both penalty awards. Bueno was caught but the ball was well on it's way out towards the byline. Roberts tug on the Scunny players shirt left the ref with no alternative.

In the first half they simply couldn't live with the skill of Bueno and Commons, it was wonderful stuff to watch again.:)

Looking at the replay on Sky Sports News my view on the incidents haven't changed my opinion.

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Taraabt is far better than Bueno or Commons will ever be at diving. Seriously, they can't touch him.

With Taraabt you get a better delivery, but his finishing is faultless. The 30 rolls, the big scream and finally the 10 mins ankle holding that only stops when even QPR fans are getting bored.

Commons doesn't even do any rolls. Just the belly flop. WTF? Always thought he was fat and useless.

Cywka on the other hand vs Portsmouth almost had it nailed. Good height and the arms were at the right angle..... but still got up straight away.

Performances are going to need to improve. Or Nigel needs to sign an Italian.

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Taraabt is far better than Bueno or Commons will ever be at diving. Seriously, they can't touch him.

With Taraabt you get a better delivery, but his finishing is faultless. The 30 rolls, the big scream and finally the 10 mins ankle holding that only stops when even QPR fans are getting bored.

Commons doesn't even do any rolls. Just the belly flop. WTF? Always thought he was fat and useless.

Cywka on the other hand vs Portsmouth almost had it nailed. Good height and the arms were at the right angle..... but still got up straight away.

Performances are going to need to improve. Or Nigel needs to sign an Italian.

Better still sign Tom Daley as a team coach;)

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Dive. Definitely.

Even the match reports have said, "adjudged" to have been fouled.

But do I care? Not one little bit. We'll have penalties not given that should be, some given against us that shouldn't be...

It all evens itself out.

Yeah, these things do tend to level themselves out.

Not looking forward to the moment we get beaten by a penalty that someone dived for though.

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Yeah, these things do tend to level themselves out.

Not looking forward to the moment we get beaten by a penalty that someone dived for though.

It wont happen to us. Savage plays for US this time.

"Higginbotham did clip me".

Yeah. Sure he did Robert.;)

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Simulation my arse, bloody threw himself to the floor :p

And Alpha, I think we're all still waiting for him to win us a penalty against Leicester like that :D

Yeah, with a challenge like that Bueno was lucky not to be sidelined for weeks.

Still it was good to see Commons change the Lurpack on the bottom of his boots for studs in the second half....lol:)

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Alex, Savage would actually have to get in the box for that!! :D

Is Commons the most "fouled" player in this League or what? He buys an awful lot of free kicks. Defenders are so thick at times. He's just waiting for them to knock him.

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Still it was good to see Commons change the Lurpack on the bottom of his boots for studs in the second half....lol:)

Very true :D

"I've got the ball, turn away from the defender now.........hang on......did he just tap me? I think he did you know. Oh no, my leg appears to be losing all grip........oh no, i'm falling down.........and all I wanted was to keep running away from goal too......"


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Alex, Savage would actually have to get in the box for that!! :D

Is Commons the most "fouled" player in this League or what? He buys an awful lot of free kicks. Defenders are so thick at times. He's just waiting for them to knock him.

Refs tend to favour them a bit though, flair players. If you see a hard challenge on a flair player, there'll be a card involved. If the same challenge goes in on a Darren Moore type player there'll be a stern talking to for the offender.

They get more protection.

And he would indeed, I imagine he might try and nick one though, try and get his reputation with Derby fans up a bit more :D

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Very true :D

"I've got the ball, turn away from the defender now.........hang on......did he just tap me? I think he did you know. Oh no, my leg appears to be losing all grip........oh no, i'm falling down.........and all I wanted was to keep running away from goal too......"



works every time. ;)

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Okay, time for naming albums / music Commons might like. I'll kick this one off with:

Slippery when wet...:)

Sounds dirtier than it should that one...... :rolleyes:

"I get knocked down, but I get up again......(Because there was feck all wrong any-way)"

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