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Boy from Brazil

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Sorry you not being able to back up sweeping comments is boring.

You choose to continue to misinterpret my comment so theres really no point in debating a non-issue with you.

No wonder you have to advertise for someone to live with :rolleyes:

ReturnoftheSage wasn't this boring?

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You choose to continue to misinterpret my comment so theres really no point in debating a non-issue with you.

No wonder you have to advertise for someone to live with :rolleyes:

ReturnoftheSage wasn't this boring?

I am Returnofthesage. I am looking for a lodger as I barely live in that house and may as well make some money from it.

This is a discussion and debate forum. People state opinions and we discuss them. You said something silly and haven't got the brains to back it up.

Maybe I'm just old enough to remember pre Big Brother days when people thought about what they said, rather than just try to be controversial.

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Metgod didn't learn that much out at the World Cup, had he of done we would of seen us sticking the boot in at Millwall like Holland did in the final. Maybe he snoozed off in the stands and missed it all?

Back to seriousland who knows how much of a role Metgod plays compared to Clough?, what goes on behind closed doors throughout the week? Metgod for all we know could be sat all day in a rocking chair watching chick flick's whilst eating battenburg cake.

I think your missing the point.

Now back to what I was saying which is he must of learned and picked up alot of stuff(including a few kicks here and there). He was there as a scout and worked all thru the WC and the build up before it. That sort of experiance is so valuable and you cant buy it, not just with the team, but the whole experience of being around class players and learning tactics knowing what players you have to look at to be able to go back and tell the coach "watch him he does so & so thats one is a clever skillfull player" and so on... DCFC have gained all this thru him going ok.....so thats what i meant, and a bit less " back to seriousland" comments daveo.

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