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I was at the game and loved every minute from hitting the Neptune at 0930 and leaving the Brunny about 2030 en route to my hotel where I had another couple before hitting the hay, having been up since 0300.

I've just watched the full 90 plus all the shenanigans on the pitch afterwards. Congratulations, Owen. You didn't melt. You stayed very professional and did a sterling job. Your voice was so chock full of emotion, you could have been forgiven for having a meltdown but you soldiered on. Like a true Ram, fighting till the end. Thank you for your coverage, not just from last Saturday but also from the other 38 games where this expat watched and listened to #RamsTV just outside of Amsterdam. Already looking forward to next season's offerings and hoping I can, again, get over for around 8 of the games.

Ewe Rams!

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