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This man should be primeminister


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They wouldn't be able to understand what he says in the video anyway lol

Its disrespectful if you go to another country to live and not learn the local lingo, fair play to the guy although I can imagine him getting alot of hassle for it.

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Originally posted by David;6228

They wouldn't be able to understand what he says in the video anyway lol

Its disrespectful if you go to another country to live and not learn the local lingo, fair play to the guy although I can imagine him getting alot of hassle for it.

What a disgrace, my mother and father never had the best of English...but they got by, especially my father...

If someone like this bloke told him to do one because of his language difficulties, i would have been proper pissed off.

IS this not racism?

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Originally posted by David;6239

Like you say they got by, I presume you mean they knew basic English to get by.

I think he's talking about people who cannot speak any English at all.

Well my mother is not confident with hers, so does not speak it much..so in that case.... man's a fool.

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Originally posted by David;6258

To be fair tho PTR he has a valid point, how can he serve someone when he doesnt understand what there saying?

Discrimination, i don't like it.....

In terms of myself, like i said before, i would be proper peed off, if a member of my family who has lived in this country for many years, but chooses not to speak english was treated in such a way....

Some would say if they have spent so long here then why havn't they picked up the language? I say....maybe they don't want to...or just can't?

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If they can't due to learning difficulties then fair enough I can understand that, but i'm sorry but if people want to live in another country I think its only right they make an attempt to learn basic English. Not asking them to quote Shakespere although basic English should be.

I was watching a programme where people in India were applying to get into the UK and study a Uni course as they are valuable over in India and they are made to sit tests before being accepted into the country, I think tests like these should be taken and I don't see this as racism.

The same rules should apply to anyone leaving to live in another country Brits included who move to Spain etc.

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Originally posted by David;6263

If they can't due to learning difficulties then fair enough I can understand that, but i'm sorry but if people want to live in another country I think its only right they make an attempt to learn basic English. Not asking them to quote Shakespere although basic English should be.

I was watching a programme where people in India were applying to get into the UK and study a Uni course as they are valuable over in India and they are made to sit tests before being accepted into the country, I think tests like these should be taken and I don't see this as racism.

The same rules should apply to anyone leaving to live in another country Brits included who move to Spain etc.

Basically what i'm saying is that most of my family can speak English, but i would hate for them to be discriminated against if they were not fluent in it and found it difficult to communicate if there vocabulary was not 100%

That would really annoy me, to be dismissed like that...

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I don't think thats what he's doing tho to be honest I could be wrong but I get the impression he won't serve people who can't speak any English.

As long as you can ask for a stamp or can I pay this bill please I don't think he would have a problem.

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Originally posted by David;6265

I don't think thats what he's doing tho to be honest I could be wrong but I get the impression he won't serve people who can't speak any English.

As long as you can ask for a stamp or can I pay this bill please I don't think he would have a problem.

Typical, another fight about Posts...

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My mother works for a shop, she has told me on no less than 5 occassions about people coming in and not being able to speak english and the difficulties they cause.

Your father obviously spoke some english PTR, i believe the ban is for those who cannot speak english at all.

I was stuck behind a woman who couldn't speak english at the bank about 2 months ago now, I waited over 45 minutes because they had no idea what she wanted and none of them spoke her language.

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Originally posted by David;6270

No fight here, I'm right your wrong

No i'm RIGHT !

Your Wrong I'm RIGHT.... GOT IT !

I don't think so, i know SO...GET IT


Balls of Steel

Alex Zane puts quizmaster Ray Ward straight about Anne Frank...

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I object to all the money spent on producing all documents in every language possible to be in this country.

If they can't read it, take it home and get someone who can to help.

Buy a translation dictionary.

Do something, just don't always expect.

You won't find translated documents in the council offices in France, it's tough luck if you can't understand it.

This is not racist, it's common sense and it's about time somebody stood up and took a stand.

The fact that the guy who is talking a stand is not originally from here is the reason why he has not been fire bombed yet.

If it was a white british guy, god help him.

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If you are living in a country, you should respect that country by speaking its native language. It's appalling the amount of people from Britain who travel to other countries without learning the new language and expecting everyone in the new country to speak English.

Likewise, people who move to this country, when doing things like communicating in the post office, they should use English to the best that they possibly can. I think this man has made a sensible decision to do this. His job is to own a post office, not speak all the world's languages. Just like David's job is to own an aquatic shop and not post on a football forum.

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I totally agree.

We I go abroad, I communicate in a way that gets me understood, not fluent, but enough.


Never have problems me. Proper bo'

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