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what courses should i do ?


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Replying to you post but will break it down for you in parts.

1) Your wrong just accept it.

2) I didn't say that people didn't have the right to go to college, what I gave was my opinion that college should only be considered an option if you know the career path you are looking to take which I still stand by.

3) "Also that stasitic shows that 9 out of 10 graduates do have jobs, and have fulfilled what they want to do" no it doesn't, all it states is that 9 out of 10 have jobs, no mention of the job they are doing. 6 of those 9 could be working in Tesco or McDonalds. One thing it does state is that the level of graduates that are unemployed is at a record high.

4) "Also i believe it was derby dan who said the subjects i am taking at college are "useless" in fact all my subjects are highly regarded by every university in the country more so than many others." I have only seen you mention RE as your an atheist and looking to "debate" and economics. Taking a subject so you can debate a point is a bad choice in my opinon, that's like me doing a course on Notts Forest.

5) "i was making the point that people should have the choice to go to college even if they don't know what they want to do" I refer you back to point number 2.

im not wrong, i accept that point yes, again we would need another survey, in your first comments you have made it sound like a non option which people shouldn't be doing if they don't knwow hat to do, you make it sound like an ultimatum in the way you describe your view, i put down 4 subjects, philosphy, government and politics, sociology, economics/r.s, and actually debating is a key part in life, the fact is this countries greatest acheivement is allowing most people to have access to higher education, without higher education this country would be an l.e.d.c, again i take the view that this debate is one of a very narrow viewpoint, i sued the statstic that people who go onto higher education earn on average 100,000 more in their lifetime than people who dont, this hasn't been taken into account. Also many jobs are only accessible through higher education and that is a truth, where as if somone goes into higher education and then wants to stack shelves at tesco ect they are free to do that, i take the view as long as somone is happy that's the main thing, also having a higher education gives an impression of overall intelligence, even though some people who have degrees arn't necersarily intelligent. Also if somone deosn't know what they want to do at college they may take a class and want to teach it or become inspired by biology ect, people should be able to access higher education when they want and if they know what they want to do or not, of course university wouldn;t be a good option if somone didn't knoww hat they wanted to do.

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Higer education is great, don't misunderstand me but I believe you should only go through it if it's needed for the career you have chosen whether that be your 16 or 36. That has and will be my main point in this thread, I almost started typing more examples but I'l just be going round in circles.

People are free to do what they want, I'm not sitting here and dictating what people should and shouldn't do, just giving my opinion on what I believe through personal experience and life experience, and I believe that going through higher education like a headless chicken is not the best thing to do for a young person.

On a side note I also blame some parents, parents can put huge amounts of pressure on they're kids to goto Uni, I remember my dad letting me know quite bluntly that he was dissapointed that none of his kids went to Uni when I was around 18/19. Now he believes we made the right choices in our lifes and is pleased we followed our own paths rather than trying to please him.

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there is no universal right answer, when you have made your opinons felt it ahs been very imperialistic, and very often made fun of people who go there and discredit it, of course for some higher education isn't the right answer, i have never said that, however i believe it looks good on your c.v if you have at least been to college, wether it's through what boycie did which was an apprentiship mixed in with college or through a subject only basis, of course not everyone will go to college and some will do brilliantly, others not so especially in the loom of government cuts which will almost inevitably cause a double dip recession. In my opinon personal happiness is what should be first, i myself am not a brillaintly happy person, i am often very anxious of myself, my abilities and meetig new people, however people should always make a choice which is right for them, no-one should force them into a corner

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Higher education only looks good on the CV if it's essential for the job, work experience and employers references are far far more valuable for a high percentage of jobs, that and being Polish and willing to work for under the minimum wage would also help.

Rodders for me is the ideal student candidate, he knows what he want's to do and he knows what he has to do to achieve his goal and going to College is one step of his career path.

I think you see higher education as being more important than what it is, higher education comes down to the individual person at the end of the day, some need it, some don't and I would suggest that a higher percentage don't.

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you can't make that assumption neither can I, because neither one of us knows every job in britain, gcse's essential, and A levels recomended for most jobs i imagine, a degree im not sure, there are millions of jobs which require one and millions which dont, of course it's ideal that every A level student knows what they want to do, but some don't, and for the ones that don't they will probablly find out along the way what they want to do, the most important thing is personal happiness and self worth in my opinon

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The most important thing is money, unless your lucky enough to be gifted a natural talent like a footballer, that is the most important thing. Happiness comes second and always will be unless your happy being skint and living in a cardboard box.

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not in my opinon, i could have all the money in the world but what would be the point if im unhappy. I wouldn't give a damn, tbh i don't give a damn about much in my life anymore, life is a pointless journey of existence which inevitably ends in pain and trauma, and desperate unhappyness and little power over what happens with no free will

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And I was just starting to feel merry from my 3rd can of Export. Without money you can't have the nice things that make you happy, would I be happy collecting the dole watching Trisha everyday whilst living in Chad? no I wouldn't.

Money dictates the way you live, how you live makes you happy. Well it does for me anyhow.

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not in my opinon, i could have all the money in the world but what would be the point if im unhappy. I wouldn't give a damn, tbh i don't give a damn about much in my life anymore, life is a pointless journey of existence which inevitably ends in pain and trauma, and desperate unhappyness and little power over what happens with no free will

god mate you need to get laid :D

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god mate you need to get laid :D

lol :D how do you know i havn't? but seriously money means nothing to me, i could be/ would be happy even if i had no money but had a family which i love and adore, money is a commodity which is nice to have but not a gamebreaker

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not if you went to nature lol, nah but i have higher priorities than to make loads of money, i have a good life, my family love me, i have a wonderfull bf who one day i want to marry if it's eventually allowed or i'll just get a civil partnership, with that i will be able to die in peace

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