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Job Losses


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10 hours ago, ram1964 said:

Small decorating company ,mainly domestic work.Once told look after your clients and the money looks after itself. Try and apply that philosophy to employees and too a degree it works but won't make me wealthy?

Makes you happy though I bet, and by putting employees before profit you become wealthy in different ways. I bet you don't have a high turnover of staff.

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Currently in the third and likely final year of my PhD at Leeds. The academic job market was tough before but now it's positively a nightmare so I'm bracing myself not to get a teaching position or a research position that would have been the top of my list for jobs. I've been so busy trying to get some work skills and do outside things to make me seem somewhat employable by June that my actual academic work has suffered quite a bit these past two months. The stress of realising you're not going to get the job you're basically trained for and have been working towards for the past 5 years is not exactly great either. 

On the finance side, I'll likely come out of uni with about 3 grand saved up as I still teach at the uni and do some outside work that pays alright. Lockdown helped with not spending a penny really apart from on rent and books so that should keep me going for about a year-18 months whilst i try to get something that I'd actually want to do. 

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