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Wayne Bridge quits England


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Wayne Bridge has made himself unavailable for selection by England as he feels his position in the squad is 'untenable and potentially divisive'.

Bridge has found himself unwittingly thrust into the spotlight in recent weeks following allegations of an affair between his ex-girlfriend and former Chelsea team-mate John Terry.

Terry was stripped of the England captaincy as a result of the lurid claims with Fabio Capello keen to maintain squad unity ahead of the World Cup finals.

Bridge was expected to play a key role for his country this summer with first-choice left-back Ashley Cole a major doubt for the tournament due to a fractured ankle.

Bridge and Terry will face each other for the first time since the allegations emerged when City travel to Stamford Bridge in the Premier League on Saturday.

The duo were then expected to meet up again with the England squad as Capello's side tackle Egypt at Wembley in a friendly on Wednesday.


But the full-back has now announced in a statement released by his lawyers that he no longer wishes to be considered for selection.

The statement read: "I have thought long and hard about my position in the England football team in the light of the reporting and events over the last few weeks.

"It has always been an honour to play for England. However, after careful thought I believe my position in the squad is now untenable and potentially divisive.

"Sadly therefore I feel for the sake of the team and in order to avoid what will be inevitable distractions, I have decided not to put myself forward for selection.

"I have today informed the management of this decision. I wish the team all the very best in South Africa."

Attention will now turn to who will fill the left-back void for England, with Everton defender Leighton Baines and Aston Villa's Stephen Warnock the leading candidates.


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done with complete dignity.If john terry has any dignity at all he will do the same.The damage done to the England squad will ruin any chance of winning in south africa. John Terry only cares about himself and I hope every England fan boos him every time he kicks the ball next week against egypt.

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shame on him i say you should be honoured to be chosen for the england team its like what ian wright said its dessertion at the end of the day if you were a soldier you would be able to act like this its selfish when you play for your country you play for the country and the fans not for your own gain its gonna be months till the world cup by then it'll all be forgotten about and they'll probably be on speaking terms again they should just have it out and that be the end of it :rolleyes:

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why boo john terry??

he,s only human after all

im sure he wont be the 1st or the last to do this sort of thing,

it happens in all walks of life,

not very nice ,granted

but wayne should be big enough(ooohh errr mrs, was this his problem?)to handle the flack.

john terry out of order , but to boo him cause he,s slept with someones mrs ? come on

for the good of the game just get on with it and get behind all of the team

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Not sure what to think to be honest, as a footballer the World Cup is the tournament that they all want to play in, at 29 years old and Ashley Cole injured this is probably his last chance to ever play in the World Cup. You'd think he'd be in he zone and just wanting to help England.

On the other hand if he feels he simply cannot play alongside Terry then he's probably made the right choice for England, and I have total respect for the guy.

Fair enough she was his ex, the guy obviously still had feelings for her, the last thing you want is a team mate shagging her.

Warnock, Baines and even Bridge to be fair are not in the same league as Ashley Cole. I'd probably go with Barry now, he started out as a left back at Villa, with the midfielders we have available I'm sure Barry would do us a job back there.

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sorry but i think he's having a red elvis episode and throwing his toys way out of the pram, so his mate knocked off his EX missus, not exactly the end of the world is it,

stop being a bloody victim and get on with the job your heavily paid to do, there are plenty of botox'd surgically enhanced bimbos out there to take your mind off everything.

god think they need to go and sort out their priorities

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