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A Banner


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Well i just posted this on therams forum and every1 who posted seem to be very boring. So thought id try it on here.

Im planning on making a smallish banner for tomoro. Around a single bed sheet size i would of thought. Just asking for some ideas on what to have that would really wind the red dogs up or just be good and simple.

So far iv come up with:



We Think Your ****

Phil Brown Thinks Your ****

Capello Thinks your ****

Even DADDY Thinks your ****'

''Robbie...Get the Flag!'

Need some ideasss as mine are pretty awful

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When you say 'Wind the Red Dogs up' do you meant team or fans? because the suggestions so far won't make a dint in the fans... and the camp ones will be like water off a ducks back to him (remember Savages words... the insults make the try harder)

Fans are on such a high at the moment a banner will do nothing

your best bet is to wind the bench up... or Billy and his staff...

not gonna make any suggestions, that'd be stupid, but thought since you were putting so much effort in it'd be a shame to see it go to waste

(oh and Boycie... the TW@TS suggestion, not very imaginative or poetic is it? i expect better from King WUM)

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