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Radio Derby Phone in 11/01/10


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True. I think I would of preferred Sav to come on and explain the lack of passion on Saturday, and announce from now on he'l be washing his own kit, take just £500 home a week and trade his car in for a 3 wheeler.

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There was no need to ring in and make himself look more of a tit at the end, the interview with Gibson hasn't exactly done him any favours with the fans having looked around other forums and I'm not surprised.

To ome on and bang on about how much he cares about this club and respects the "real footballers" on £500pw, when he currently gets paid Premiership wages for being a less than average Championship player at best was a joke...then...THEN he's got the cheek to turn on Roger Davies and the fact he gets paid.

What about the Ssausagehorpe game Mr Savage? however much I hate him he's our captain, forget the media and radio phone ins and focus on your job. We've got a match tomorrow, get all the players together and rant at them and question there passion for winning. Ask Hulse why he walks round the pitch like he doesn't give a *****.

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This shows to me that clough has lost the dressing room, if sav came on his own accord then clough has no control, if he asked clough and he said yes then it's a disgrace clough has allowed it, the stats speak for themselves, 14 wins, 9 draws 22 losses win ratio 31%

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The only thing that Robbie Savage has accomplish this evening was embarrass himself and the club. For christs sake he's the captain. The way in which he conducted himself is NOT what I expect of my captain.

If Robbie Savage had anything about him, Why didn't he take Gibbo to one side before the tapes were rolling and ask where these rumours had come from and the players involved. He could have got the information he needed to sort out (if there is) any rift between the players and backroom without the press getting involved. BUT Robbie flaming savage is trying to make a name for himself now he's coming to the end of his playing careerer, and he wants to stir things up.

This isnt me just having a go at Savage for the sake of it, He has really let us down tonight. If he had a problem with BBC Radio Derby staff he should have spoken to them or the BBC in private. Not air his views as a representative of the club. Now dont get me wrong, I'm not for one min sticking up for Radio Derby - I really cant stand the way Gibbo buts in every 5 min with scores of games of no importance to us, or the campest commentator ever with his limited knowledge of the club, this is purely me saying that Savage was out of order.

As for those idiots ringing up saying we shouldn't Boo.. I'm sorry but i've paid my money and thats the only opportunity I get as a fan to express my views. So i'm sorry Toyota stand, If i watch a awful performance then i'll bloody well boo.

Sorry to have a rant, my missus keeps telling me to shut up going on about it!

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