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Nigel's first year


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Nigel Clough and his staff are today celebrating their first year in charge of Derby County, with a vow from Club bosses to continue to build and grow the team over the next 12 months.

The Rams have completely restructured the playing side since Clough arrived on January 7th 2009, when he was introduced to the Pride Park crowd just before Derby County beat Manchester United 1-0 in the Carling Cup semi final, first leg.

During the year Derby County have moved out 20 players, making them one of the busiest club's in the Football League for transfer activity.

Rams CEO Tom Glick says it's been a year of progress: "It has certainly been an eventful year but one in which we have made great strides forward and laid the groundwork for success in the future.

"When Nigel and his staff were appointed his immediate task was to ensure Derby County's Championship status; this was achieved through hard work and good management.

"During the summer we set about restructuring the squad in accordance with the manager's wishes.

"The key criteria were reducing the squad size to a more sensible level and then reducing the wage bill to a responsible and sustainable footing.

"Nigel did great work in not only bringing in his key targets, but also moving out players who he did not consider part of his plans for the future.

"This restructuring has been crucial in positioning our club in a very health and stable area, whereby we can now build the squad into a model which will be extremely competitive in the Championship.

"This is even starker at a time when so many clubs in the Football League and the even the Premier League are reporting sever financial issues.

"At Derby County we have no such problems and we continue to work to a plan, in conjunction with the manager's wishes and beliefs, which will see us carry a younger, leaner and more viable squad into the new campaign.

"In addition, we have secured the nucleolus of a very good playing squad, extending the contracts of key players such as Stephen Bywater, Dean Leacock, Miles Addison, Paul Green and Stephen Pearson.

"When mixed in with the new signings, such as Chris Porter, Dean Moxey and Shaun Barker, we know we have some very good players, all of which have the ability and character to take us forwarded for seasons to come.

"On a personal level I would like to say what a pleasure Nigel and his staff are to work with and how blessed we are to have a manager and coaching team who care so passionately about our club.

"Nigel has Derby County in his blood and the people he surrounds himself with have that same commitment.

"I have no doubt Nigel's second year at the Rams will again see progress and ultimately see the team and the club moving forward."


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"When mixed in with the new signings, such as Chris Porter, Dean Moxey and Shaun Barker, we know we have some very good players, all of which have the ability and character to take us forwarded for seasons to come.

what a stupid thick american cnut!!!

does he honestly think that were that stupid?

to take us forward my arse!

this glick is very slick when it comes to press releases,

:During the summer we set about restructuring the squad in accordance with the manager's wishes, SURELY THE MANAGER WISHED FOR BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS THAN THE ***** HE,S HAD TO TRY TO MAKE INTO FOOTBALLERS!

give him cash you clown or go forth and multiply!:mad:

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We don't have many but I think we do have players than can take us forward, Porter, Barker, Addison, Commons, Bywater and Green. After that I'm struggling. For me its a nice litte bunch of players to build a team around, just have to get them fully fit and confidence back.

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We don't have many but I think we do have players than can take us forward, Porter, Barker, Addison, Commons, Bywater and Green. After that I'm struggling. For me its a nice litte bunch of players to build a team around, just have to get them fully fit and confidence back.

and S*v*ge.

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your argument re;Savage would hold water if

a/ you came and watched him play

b/ he wasnt playing well or lacking effort.

Unfortunately Savage aint doing too bad.he puts in 100% and although he has lost any pace he had,he is a nightmare at times for players from the opposition.And there really is no alternative thats any better.

Come and watch him Daveo, but we dont play at the Baseball Ground anymore,weve moved.

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I've seen him play allbeit on tv, you could say it's not the same although having been a season ticket holder, I still wanted to watch on TV the highlights or replay of the match as you can miss some of the action.

I can see from your profile that your sat in the North Lower, I have watched a couple of games from that stand and you can see jack off whats going on at the other end of the ground, so even being there doesn't guarentee you see everything.

There are also members on this very forum who will agree that Savage is pants, and a quick look across other forums will show that there are many other fans with the same opinion. So your argument doesnt hold water with me I'm affraid.

We was talking about the future, Savage is not Derby County's future, he's got 1 and half seasons left on his contract and then he's off to be a media clown. Thats not an opinion, thats a fact.

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You may not see to the other end of the pitch if your a fecking Blind, what a load of tripe.

You can see if a player puts in the effort if your at the match, but cannot if you are watching highlights. Don't talk soft.

You have your opinions on Savage, but they are not bourne from personal experiance of watching him for 90 mins playing for Derby in the flesh. We arn't talking about watching him on sky either, because they don't cover him for 90 mins.

You won't hear Sav going on one of his headless chicken chase downs on the radio either.

Anyway, you'll have to accept the flack if you don't watch them live, BUT and I repeat BUT you are fully intitled to your opinion David and any gip I give you is only in gest as every one has there own life and have to live it as they wish.

It's a bit like Trigger slagging of the board, what's the alternative to the Yanks? But he can slag em off if he wants too.

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I don't agree obviously, having sat in the North Lower on the 3rd row when we played Liverpool, I couldn't see jack of what was going on at the other end. I have also sat in the North East corner at the bottom against West Ham I think it was, and again I could see jack. It's great if the action is in front of you, but trying to guage whats going off across the pitch is impossible.

East or West upper great, you do get to see the whole pitch. When you watch on Sky or highlights you get to see replays, you get to see whos out of position, who was fannying around etc. so I wouldn't agree that a decent opinion on a player can be made by watching on tv.

If that is the case, members such as Myself, Trigger, Cumbrian etc. who cannot get to games, opinions are void.

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Excuse me sir, I never said your opinions are void, but you have to take the flack.

You telling me you couldn't see to the end of the pitch? then you need glassers. You can tell if a player is trying or not, or if most of the passes are being cut out or not making there targets.

Radio don't give you every piece of action it impossible to get every pass made by every player because some passes are quick and snappy, (i say sometimes, maybe rarely is the better word)

So, where I'm not saying you don't have an opinion, I am saying that your opinion is based on hearsay and eddited highlights or TV games.

The amount of times I hear customers say to me "They said they were rubbish on the radio" when actually they played alright.

Anyway, enough of this serious talk, I'm not used to it.

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your argument re;Savage would hold water if

a/ you came and watched him play

b/ he wasnt playing well or lacking effort.

Unfortunately Savage aint doing too bad.he puts in 100% and although he has lost any pace he had,he is a nightmare at times for players from the opposition.And there really is no alternative thats any better.

Come and watch him Daveo, but we dont play at the Baseball Ground anymore,weve moved.

Gold star for Dangerous ! well said that man :D

Take the flack Daveo you deserve it :mad:

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Thats the thing, I don't think I should have to take the flack for my opinions, I've seen enough football (live, actually sat in the stadium) in my life to realise that radio commentary can be *****, and highlights may not show the full picture.

I'am also aware from past experience that just being in the ground may not mean you can see every bit of action. I'm not saying you can't see the other end, what you do see looks flat. For exampl you can't see offsides, which defender played the striker on. Penalty shouts, was it a foul, was it a proper tackle etc.

I will make an opinion on any player that I feel I have seen enough mistakes, sloppy play, positional play, shots on target, saves etc.

There are still players in the squad you will see that I won't comment on, Pringle, Mendy, Deeney, Hendrie and a few more past and present players.

My opinions are always based on a mixture of 1) Radio commentary, 2) Extended highlights on RamsPlayer and Football League Show 3) The match if it's been televised and 4) Watching them play on Sky and MOTD for previous clubs.

I don't expect for a second for everyone to agree with every opinion I have, but I don't expect flack for having that opinion. Question it fine, thats what a forum is for, but don't discount it on the basis I haven't been able to get to a game for a while.

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