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O J Simpson


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Superb storyville documentary on bbc4 

for those that remember the trial, it was not dissimiliar to the Oscar Pistorius trial in some respects. A celebrity sports star seemed to get a different twisted and preferential justice having murdered his partner. The OJ defence also played the race card to discredit the police evidence. Despite over-whelming evidence he was found not guilty of murdering and virtually decapitating his ex-wife and Ronald Goldmam who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The first two episodes have focussed on the background. The race issues and the behaviour of the LAPD which is truly shocking; OJ's stunning career and rise as a celebrity; the corresponding development of his personality from a popular, and generally likeable College student to a violent, jealous and very dangerous wife beater.

Worth watching.

whoops - Mods please move to the Pub

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