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Certain "fans"


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14 hours ago, nfb said:

Moaning and aggression is becoming part and parcel of modern life in all quarters sadly, but i will stick to topic. There are fans at every club and ours is no different that will moan about some facet of Management or players when we lose in the Champions League Final.

But i found this sign useful - 'Please don't feed the trolls'

Its funny how many disappear when no-one does :)


Its fans like you that let the rest of us down. 

There you go assuming we will lose the Champions League Final.....i see your glass is always half empty! :D

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4 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its fans like you that let the rest of us down. 

There you go assuming we will lose the Champions League Final.....i see your glass is always half empty! :D

My glass is never half empty, if it ever looks like it might be getting that way, i buy a smaller glass :)

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