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Rams pledge to put any winter sales cash back into squad


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DERBY County insist that if they sell players in the January transfer window, money raised will be reinvested in developing Nigel Clough's squad.

Leading scorer Rob Hulse almost joined Middlesbrough for around £4m in August and Derby could receive offers for the striker, who has been linked with Wolverhampton Wanderers.

Kris Commons, who has started only five matches this season due to niggling injuries, is another who has been linked with a move away from Pride Park.

But the Rams have yet to receive offers for any of their players.

They have also dismissed talk that they have to sell, saying they only will if it makes good business sense for the club and helps to move Clough's squad forward.

President and chief executive Tom Glick says the club will continue to pursue a sensible and responsible plan in their bid to return the Rams to the Premier League.

"The reality is that we are not in a position where we need to sell any particular player," said Glick, who is now working closely with the manager following the departure in October of chairman of football Adam Pearson.

"As we have said before, if we have the right offer that is good value for the club, we will make the player aware of it and we will consider it, if it is good business for the club," said Glick.

"We have had no offers. If they come – and they may come – we will consider them.

"What we are looking to do is build a side and building a side is about making the right acquisitions. At times, it is going to be about moving the right players on and that is something we will always be looking to do.

"It was very public that we did have an offer from Middlesbrough for Rob Hulse back in August and that was a very significant offer.

"Ultimately, we did not progress on that and Rob's decision was to stay in Derby and we are glad he did.

"But whether it be for Rob or for any player in the side, if we had the right offer we would be prepared to make the player aware and ultimately follow through with it if it was good business for Derby County and allowed us to build the side by bringing in other players that work into the manager's plan going forward for the long haul.

"If we did get offers, the money all gets reinvested into building a side."

Changes to Derby's squad look likely in January.

On current form, they could pursue Paul Dickov and DJ Campbell, whose loans from Leicester City expire next month.

Pacy striker James Vaughan is set to return from Everton for a loan spell and the Rams are also believed to be keen on Plymouth Argyle forward Jamie Mackie.

The loans of right-back Fredrik Stoor and midfielder Jake Livermore are also up by the end of the year.

On Dickov and Campbell, Glick said: "We are looking at our plans right now for January and those are certainly two decisions right there that we will have to make.

"If they can continue playing the way they have this week, that is something we will look very hard at."

The message from Derby has been consistent in the past 12 months and only at the weekend Clough said he fully understood the situation.

"We are in a period of consolidation where we get things on an even keel. We knew that, it was part of the job when we came in," he said.

"You have to live within your means, which we are trying to do.

"Everyone knows the situation. We work very closely with Tom Glick and we are all exactly on the same page."


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I'd take £3m for Hulse and say goodbye to Dickov, Campbell and Livermore, sign Stoor and a decent young striker with pace that Clough has been after to play along side Porter.

Keep Commons, see if we can get him back to fitness and back to his best again, with him not featuring much this season his valuation will have dropped and we'd get jack for him. Kiss his arse or whatever it takes to get him back playing and flog him in the summer for a decent fee.

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i'm glad they have come out with this statement hopefully it will stop all the cr4p about us being in trouble that seems to be going around the forums ect, I also would get rid of hulse for that kind of cash also i'd say sionara to commons sign stoor up try to get mackie from plymouth and try to extend the loans of dickov / dj but not actually sign them unless it were a free transfer mackie looks like a good prospect and they are in the doodoo atm with no manager ect

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I think we should be looking for players that would improve the current squad, not just add numbers. I think you are right, sign Dickov and Dj, and I think we should look to bring in Tim Flowers, Steve Claridge, Steve Guppy and Gary Linekar. We'd be unstoppable on our way to League 1.

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You two are a pair of wums. Hulse was linked with a £4m move, Commons £3, earlier in the season. Lets say they both have a mil off each, thats £5m. Cloughie gets to spend the lot and you two want Dickov and Dj Campbell! No wonder the board won't give Clough any money when the fans are singing sign a pair of Festa rejects.

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obviously IF we got that kind of cash we could look for bigger and better players but if we didn't then i'd be happy to see dickov and dj's loan extended also i think the cash could be used in much needed other areas to improve the squad ie midfield and defence ;)

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Sign Stoor and the defence is sorted for me. Midfield a replacement for Savage to play alongside Green would be nice and a young striker with pace that can finish. Stoor max £1.5m, Savage replacement £1.5m max and £2m on a striker job done. Plus don't forget what cash we get for Reg, we can and should get better than Dickov and Dj with that kinda cash. If Hulse and Commons stay, we won't need those two with Hulse, Porter, Vaughan, Commons and Davies.

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Good news it will be spent on the squad.....i was wondering for a while whether that would happen.

Yeah definitely look into keeping stoor. Now Barnes has gone freed up a bit of extra wage cash to lure in someone decent.

Need a striker, i like dickov but it is not gonna be good enough for the long term, which is what nc is aiming for! some young fresh, talented blood with some pace and who isn't injury prone would do for me (not high expectations at all lol)

need someone a bit more creative in the midfield!!! someone like commons but with some actual fitness and consistency and some drive!

Not alot to ask for really lol

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He's 37! Do you expect him to keep charging round the pitch for 90 mins every week for another season an half? Whilst the cash is there if we get it we need a replacement now. Do you see Dickov starting ahead of Hulse, Porter, Vaughan, Commons and Davies? Look at the bigger picture, you can't build a team around 37 year olds.

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He's 37! Do you expect him to keep charging round the pitch for 90 mins every week for another season an half? Whilst the cash is there if we get it we need a replacement now. Do you see Dickov starting ahead of Hulse, Porter, Vaughan, Commons and Davies? Look at the bigger picture, you can't build a team around 37 year olds.

i do agree with you on that one daveo but you must admit dickov has been great for us since signing and i would like to see his loan extended till the end of the season even if its just for back up incase we do get more injuries

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No I don't Dan, I don't see the point in keeping a 37 year old striker, that will still demand a fair old wage, when he can't finish or has any pace. I want a young 18 - 23 year old with lightening pace that can run at the defence and a shot on him to play along side Porter.

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get rid of Dickov and get someone younger in with a bit a pace.

i cant see why people are so overjoyed with Dickov,or is it that our standards have dropped that low that we are happy to accept players like Dickov?

i hope not

Finally, thought I was going bonkers here and was starting to think maybe my expectations are too high for this club.

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He's 37! Do you expect him to keep charging round the pitch for 90 mins every week for another season an half? Whilst the cash is there if we get it we need a replacement now. Do you see Dickov starting ahead of Hulse, Porter, Vaughan, Commons and Davies? Look at the bigger picture, you can't build a team around 37 year olds.

totally agree with you,

but at the minute the experiance is good, but we should buy some talented youngsters, im all in favour of that

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