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Drop Savage as Captain, Now!


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I don't care what the Savage arse lickers on this forum think, the guy has to have the Captains armband taken off him now, he is in noubt doubt a complete and utter twonk (swear filter is on, twonk was used in place of ****).

Went to the shop this morning for the paper, walking back I quickly flicked to the Derby v WBA match report, I found the report and it was titled Robbie: I'l hand it to Cox. I was expecting to find a little quote from our captain that "loves Derby" berating Cox for his handball with the same passion Clough was showing on the sidelines....I was saldy mistaken.

Derby led 1-0 from a Paul Dickov strike until the 82nd minute when Cox appeared to use his hand to guide in a cross from Chris Brunt. "People can go on about handball for the goal, but listen, I'd do the same." said Savage. "If he has got away with it, fair play."

Sorry but I've had enough of Savage in the press, a captain is to lead by example, Savage needs to keep his gob shut whilst he's still employed by Derby County. It's clear all this passion on the pitch is all part of his pantomine act to pave a way into the media once he's retired. Savage couldn't give a flying **** about Derby, Nigel Clough a Derby man showed real passion on Saturday and had I been in the stands I would be just as livid as Clough was. Do you hear Clough saying "he got away with it so fair play" or "if my players were in a similar situation, I'd want them to cheat." ?

Footballers come and go, "I love this club" and kissing the badge ***** means **** all to me as it's all a fake act to win the fans over, if anyone seriously thinks Savage loves this club is quite simply a mug.

Barker or Leacock for captain.


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yes we were cheated out of the 3 points and the handball p1ssed me off aswell but no amount of moaning in the press for the next week is gonna change the result and if robbie had berated him for the handball after his stance on the henry handball situation you would have called him a hipporcrite you just don't like the guy even though he does a good job on the pitch

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I agree with most of your points however I think he should be captain.

He is in the media a lot to promote his own ego and not Derby County.

He doesn't care that much for DCFC but he is doing his job as a professional which is all I ask at the moment.

I do think he talks to the media too much and it could get embarrassing but if we took off his armband things would turn very dire.

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from what i saw on saturday for 45mins he played his heart out to get a result

im not his biggest fan, but hes slowly changing mu opinon of him each week

and lets not forget, he did say hed do the same when old terry henry was causing trouble, and we do know from previous that he will do anything to get a point no matter who hes playing for

you cant fault that attitude, that is why he is captain, and quite rightly so

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I've always believed a good captain should be a role model both on and off the pitch, I make no apologies for this. There are players better suited to this role at the club. You may say I hate Savage, I would counter that by saying you've got your head stuck up his arse that is preventing you from seeing what is quite clear to me, that is Savage is not a good captain. I personally cannot wait until we have a captain that will represent the club in a good light both on and off the pitch.

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i dont know about that daveo, have you got to be a good role model on and off the pitch?

look at gerrard he smacks some one in the face in a nigtclub, but still one of liverpools greatest captains

roy keane, one hell of a dirty bugger on the pitch, still a great captain

john terrys drug taking thiefingfamily, is hardly a great advert for the england and chelsea captain, but still regarded as a great captain

like i said from what ive seen this season (not loads but ive seen enough) to say at the minute hes the only choice for captain

barker, yeah would be good but injured again

addison will be an epic captain, but could be tooyoung (in my eyes he should be the captain if sav aint fit)

connolly not a great player but plays his heart out and was captain last year

leacock could be a good shout, but the last year out with injury would make him a worry for now, a couple of months maybe he should take the armband

after that you could count green, improves our game when he plays, pearson, his work rate is unbeliavble if with no work rate, jay mac captain the reserves side could also be a good shout for captain

but none of them scream out experiance for me at the minute, (apart from maybe barker) which sav does and you cant argue we havnt needed his head this season with a million injuries, and him being an ever present at 300years old

id say thats captain material, and i booed him on his debut for us the other year

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John Terry is a great captain, ok the problems with his mum although that's family issues away from football and nothing to do with Terry. Gerrard I agree with you off the pitch however on the pitch he is a great captain.

Sorry Vicky we will never agree on Savage, he is no where near a great captain, a great captain are the same as great manager, they will be talked about for years after they have left the club, a great captain will be loved by all his clubs fans. Find me a Chelsea fan that dislikes Terry, find me a Liverpool fan that dislikes Gerrard, I'l show you plenty of Derby fans that dislike Savage.

Earlier in the season we had no choice, Connolly wasn't a captain, never has been, Savage was the only choice at the time. Now Leacock is back, "Mr Calm" a long serving player for me is the ideal captain for Derby right now, Barker had he been fit at the start of the season I would may have said him although he has been in and out with injuries and needs a full season under his belt now.

Going back slightly on the point Vicky made would I prefer it if Savage lied, it's not a case of lying, it's keeping your trap shut and saying the right things when the media ask questions. Media skills are also essential for a good captain which Savage lacks, it's blatantly obvious he's trying to come across as controversial to pave his way to a career in the media once he's retired.

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