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Facebook - Please think before you share


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It's that time of year again when your news feeds are full of shared posts, companies giving away cars, holidays and games consoles that they can't sell as they have no retail packaging.

Come on, think about it, take 2 seconds to check for the verification tick, if you don't see one it's a spammy page.



Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 12.52.40.png


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1 minute ago, David said:

I'm trying to educate but having just gone back to Facebook and seen yet another image shared with the top 10 names of those likely to fall pregnant in 2017 I should just give up. 


I reactivated my account in September, de-activated it about 2-3 weeks ago. It actually no longer gives anything of any use. 

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Uninstalled the app a few weeks ago myself, got moaned at for not responding to an event invite. Reinstalled to see what it was and find myself just opening it out of habit now and having the odd moan at something, mainly the NHS.

WhatsApp is another I get moaned at for ignoring group texts, uninstalled that as well as I don't need all these messaging apps, if you don't have iMessage you're not worth communicating with to be honest. No time for those that insist on using inferior phones. 

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