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Quoting anything on Android (Firefox)

Carl Sagan

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I tried multiple quoting last night and, despite always having a cursor flashing outside the quotes, as soon as I typed everything would be inside and turn to gibberish.

Trying simply to quote one post, as soon as you start to type your writing seems to disappear.

Firefox on Android Marshmallow.





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5 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

I tried multiple quoting last night and, despite always having a cursor flashing outside the quotes, as soon as I typed everything would be inside and turn to gibberish.

Trying simply to quote one post, as soon as you start to type your writing seems to disappear.

Firefox on Android Marshmallow.


We've had quite a few issues with Firefox, others have reported text even being posted backwards. No fix has come from the developers yet so I can only suggest using a different browser for now.

If you haven't cleared your cache in a while it may be worth trying that first

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