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Why so negative?


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Many of you that attend games this season will notice that when defending corners we have every man back defending.

This allows the opposition to pile everyone forward and leave one man back.

As most teams who come to derby defend deep and rely on set pieces this plays into their hands. Due to them parking the bus we struggle to counter attack.

So why don't we leave the 2 fastest players forward when defending corners as this is pretty much the only chance we will get to counter in a match. The added advantage is that our box is less congested making it easier to defend.

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14 minutes ago, m5912 said:

Many of you that attend games this season will notice that when defending corners we have every man back defending.

This allows the opposition to pile everyone forward and leave one man back.

As most teams who come to derby defend deep and rely on set pieces this plays into their hands. Due to them parking the bus we struggle to counter attack.

So why don't we leave the 2 fastest players forward when defending corners as this is pretty much the only chance we will get to counter in a match. The added advantage is that our box is less congested making it easier to defend.

It's been an age old debate and I still don't get why teams defend en masse. The odd of scoring from a corner are so low with or without 11 players defending, so why we haven't got 2 or 3 players up there ready to attack, which would need at least 3/4 defenders to mark them, is odd.

For this though, I don't blame Mel, Wass, Mac or PC ? But I would blame Billy or Phil Tan obviously. 

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43 minutes ago, Tim Bucktoo said:

It's been an age old debate and I still don't get why teams defend en masse. The odd of scoring from a corner are so low with or without 11 players defending, so why we haven't got 2 or 3 players up there ready to attack, which would need at least 3/4 defenders to mark them, is odd.

For this though, I don't blame Mel, Wass, Mac or PC ? But I would blame Billy or Phil Tan obviously. 

It started this season.

Before we had at least 2. Standing out wide so as to force them to leave at least 3 back with 1 halfway.

If gives a quick outlet and allows the defense midfield to get out. Now we are slow getting out and inviting pressure.

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We actually did leave our faster players up for a corner. Think we found out part of the answer - fast players in our squad can't dribble, and dribblers in our squad aren't fast.

This was exemplified when we tried to break from a set-piece, with Weimann and Bent left up top. The ball broke to Weimann, and it was him and Bent against one at one point.

Weimann then waited until sundown to have an attempt at controlling the ball, before taking two touches right into the path where he could find as many MK Dons players as possble.

2 versus 1 became 2 versus 6 in two touches. 

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4 minutes ago, Duracell said:

We actually did leave our faster players up for a corner. Think we found out part of the answer - fast players in our squad can't dribble, and dribblers in our squad aren't fast.

This was exemplified when we tried to break from a set-piece, with Weimann and Bent left up top. The ball broke to Weimann, and it was him and Bent against one at one point.

Weimann then waited until sundown to have an attempt at controlling the ball, before taking two touches right into the path where he could find as many MK Dons players as possble.

2 versus 1 became 2 versus 6 in two touches. 

The plus from this at least is that they didn't score and we got out faster. Usually they opposition will have another chance to put the ball back in.

I'm sure once some of our flair type players find a bit of form that 1 in 5 of these could result in a goal.

When they find form........someone else is paid a lot more than me to find that!!! Maybe Sherlock should be on the payroll.

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To add to the above post Weimann is awful ... There may be a good player in there somewhere but his conifidence is totally shot and it's been shot since the day he got here. He can't run with the ball can't make a pass and can't finish. As for other strikers, well Russell can't play striker and clearly didn't know where to go yesterday ... And Martin can't be bothered right now - makes me wonder what's going on with him - Martin totally out of sorts he'd have a hard time cracking the Alfreton team he's that bad. His game consists of falling over, strolling around, flapping his arms at teammates and moaning to the ref. He's contributed what 3 assists in the last 20 games and those were all expertly taken goals. 

And bent just needs game time because these cameos ain't working for him.

but one thing I'll say for Martin is that although I've never seen him tackle , he does come back and defends corners well. 


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