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Loan window, am I reading this correctly?


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"The transfer window is now closed for permanent signings for the remainder of the season.

Premier League and SPL clubs cannot sign any players, on loan or full transfers, until the transfer window ahead of the 2009/10 season opens on 1 July.

Clubs in the Football League can sign players on loan outside of the transfer windows, following a seven-day period after the transfer window closed on 2 February.

Outside of the transfer windows, any club may still sign players on an emergency basis (such as if they had no goalkeepers available) with the permission of their competition's governing body, ie the Premier League.

Players who are out of contract and do not have a club, can be signed outside of the transfer window if they are unattached free agents when the window closes.

The transfer window does not apply to clubs below Blue Square Premier level. "

To me that sounds like permanent transfers need to be made between 1st - 31st of January, except if the player is out of contract in which case he can be signed.

Loan deals can be made between Febuary 2nd - 9th.

Emergency loan deals have to be sanctioned by the FA outside these dates, and will only be allowed in extreme cases such as not having a keeper.

Soooo the loan window is now closed then until next season?

Which brings me onto my final point which is Forest fans, why are they still urging BD to sign players on loan when the window is shut? yes they have a long injury list although they are still able to field 11 players and 5 subs.

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