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Worst ever captain


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I know, thats the problem. I know I should be judging players by there hair but I keep falling back into the football ability argument. I canna help it but maybe just maybe one day I will be able to appreciate Savage's hair just like Vicky does.

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Fecking hell,what has Savage got to do to be appreciated? He is the only player who puts his foot on the ball before passing it.He is the best passer of a ball in the team and he puts 100 % in every game.But of course he played for leicester and used to wind us up.

Strange how we wax lyrical about Commons who is a fo**st fan,played for for**t and spends half the season injured.

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I have nothing against Savage, I think he's a great guy to have around in the dressing room for team morale and puts 100% effort in on the pitch and can put the odd decent performance in.

How many games have we dominated the midfield this season? we've got Savage running round like a chicken and Livermore giving the ball away, central midfield is easily our weakest area of the team at the moment. Yes he has good games like yesterday, although his age and fitness doesn't allow him to do it 3 games a week.

I know injuries have forced team selections at the moment although when Addison and Green are back fit I'd like to see those two given a chance in the centre and Savage given a decent rest after playing before using him again, we have to remember he's 35 not 25, you don't see Fergie playing Giggs and Scholes for 90 minutes every game.

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Bah ! i don't believe it - you aint seen him play so you don't know - simples ! we don't play 3 games a week - they would all be knackered if they did - Sav is one of the fittest - ask Nigel he will tell you ! he doesn't need a rest he deserves his place.

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Originally posted by vicky-27;36334

Bah ! i don't believe it - you aint seen him play so you don't know - simples !.

You fancy Savage and any negative opinion on Savage is rubbish - simples!

Match day on Saturday

Match day on Tuesday

Match day on Saturday

3 games in 7 days I think you will find - simples, use a calculator to double check if you don't believe me.

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