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T.D.S. Debate..


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There are power crazed bullies in all walks of life , people who take things


that aren't rightfully theirs . Good heavens , you might even know some on here ;)


I call it TDS (Tiny  Di ck  Syndrome) .Childish , you may think , but it's happening everywhere .


This TDS happens between Countries , rival football clubs , husbands/wives , brothers and


sisters etc. All about insecurity , threat , even  jealousy maybe to some extent . It nearly always


begins when there is a slight weakness between one of the conflicting parties . These things ,


however trivial , can escalate into things that you don't really want to happen , but neither party


backs down . One way of dealing with this situation is to ignore it , get on with your job , go home.


Another way is to just walk away and never return , even tho that is defeatist and not really


the ideal outcome , but when a position becomes untenable maybe the only option.


Second option means the TDS Bully has won :o


The little person/country/etc. can't hit back hard enough because he/she/they ,  haven't got


the same power or indeed the same agenda as theTDS bully , so they sit back and think


oh well , this is my lot , life sucks etc.


These TDS Bullies need standing up to , power crazed lunatics , that they are .


Now i'm not saying Putin has TDS , far from it , but he does seem to want to 'puff his chest out'


and dictate terms to the world..





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There are power crazed bullies in all walks of life , people who take things

that aren't rightfully theirs . Good heavens , you might even know some on here ;)

I call it TDS (Tiny Di ck Syndrome) .Childish , you may think , but it's happening everywhere .

This TDS happens between Countries , rival football clubs , husbands/wives , brothers and

sisters etc. All about insecurity , threat , even jealousy maybe to some extent . It nearly always

begins when there is a slight weakness between one of the conflicting parties . These things ,

however trivial , can escalate into things that you don't really want to happen , but neither party

backs down . One way of dealing with this situation is to ignore it , get on with your job , go home.

Another way is to just walk away and never return , even tho that is defeatist and not really

the ideal outcome , but when a position becomes untenable maybe the only option.

Second option means the TDS Bully has won :o

The little person/country/etc. can't hit back hard enough because he/she/they , haven't got

the same power or indeed the same agenda as theTDS bully , so they sit back and think

oh well , this is my lot , life sucks etc.

These TDS Bullies need standing up to , power crazed lunatics , that they are .

Now i'm not saying Putin has TDS , far from it , but he does seem to want to 'puff his chest out'

and dictate terms to the world..

depends how you look at it. The other point of view may be that america has this TDS too. May be obama and putin should get together an flop them out once and for all and get measured up.

I know who my money's on!!

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