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A Plea To B4


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Following on from the success that your war cries brought to The Rams this year, I wondered if there was any chance of an England war cry before the World Cup?


You have it in you to become a modern day Winston Churchill.


So come on b4 how about it?


PS - does anyone know how many England fans are going to Brazil?

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We shall go on to the end (of the group stages).

We shall fight against France (well, we would if they had been drawn in Group D),

We shall fight over seas and oceans,

We shall fight with growing confidence lumping the ball up to the big fellow in the air (or we would if Crouch had been selected),

We would defend against Ireland, so we will against Costa Rica.

We shall fight in the bleachers,

We shall fight in the bars and grounds,

We shall dive and appeal like cheats,

We shall not pay our bills,

We've already surrendered.

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We shall fight in the bleachers,

We shall fight in the bars and grounds,

We shall dive and appeal like cheats,

We shall not pay our bills,

We've already surrendered.


Sure your not on about a certain team up the A52?

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