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Mark Fotheringham


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So then slightly back on topic with Fotheringham, played a decent game apparently linking up well with Croft yet we're not offering him a contract as he's no better than what we have already in Green, Savage and Pearson.

I think Cloughie could of made a whoopsy on this one, Pearson spends more time on his back than a prostitute. Savage 35 in October clearly not a spring chicken anymore, can't see him lasting the season. That leaves us with Green, now unless I've forgotten anyone else who do we have left to play in the centre? Addison and Leacock could be played there although we need them both in the centre of defence.

Granted he might not be better than what we have but it's better than sod all if we pick up the same amount of injuries we did last season.

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I don't rate Pearson - never have - yes he can run with the ball - but that's it - when he gets anywhere near the net he bottles it, Sav i don't think will last the whole season without Green's help -think Nigel's been a bit hasty on this one

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