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New Update


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Some of you will know, others maybe not but I've just updated the forum. There was a few skin changes which cocked the site up which is why it was offline a little longer so I'm sorry for that.


Anyway, the one change that you will notice the most is quoting, now when you quote you don't see the messy code that confused some members, now it displays the quote as you would see it in the post. If you wish to split a quote up, at the end of the sentence double tap enter. This only works at the end of the sentence, you can't use it to break up sentences.


Any problems, anything out of place give me a shout.

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Top right of each post next to the post number you will see a new icon, click that and it will open a pop up box with a link to that individual post that you can go share on Twitter or Facebook.


"gdw2FZb" alt="gdw2FZb">

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