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Life, the universe and everything.


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Amazing to think that colours are just an arbitrary property our eyes and brains have given to allow us to make sense of the world. They don't exist really, their physical property is simply light travelling at different speeds. The universe could be fifty shades of grey for all intents and purposes if evolution would have deemed that to be good enough for us. Naturally humans are arrogant enough to think grass actually is green and the rest of the animal kingdom's senses are of irrevelance whether they agree or disagree.

Wow, that's deep.

I'm currently getting a lecture off my daughter about infra red and ultra violet lights. Now she's waffling on about gamma rays. Me heads going to explode in a minute... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />

It's fascinating though but I can't confess to understanding it.

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Wow, that's deep man.

I'm currently getting a lecture off my daughter about infra red and ultra violet lights. Now she's waffling on about gamma rays. Me heads going to explode in a minute... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />

It's fascinating though but I can't confess to understanding it.

tell her the only thing you need to know about physics is what comes up must come down.

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It doesnt say what happened after she moved

Oh ok, sorry.

She just disappeared. Not a gradual fade out thing, just bosh. I can still see her now, it was all a bit wierd

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Just to make it worse, we are just made up of the elements made in a dying star that spread all the gas and dust in a supernova. Our sun and planet formed out of these supernova remnants.

Kind of p#sses on those Creationists rather 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

Whilst the evolution of life on Earth is as close to unique as you can possibly get, for me probability says there must be a similar planet which has undergone similar events to make life possible. Whether that life can be intelligent, no idea.

The reason we've not gone back to the moon or as planned after the lunar landings we should have already been to Mars, is both political and economic. The Cold War powered the space race, so when that ended so did the political will. Any such mission to Mars takes years to plan and undertake and we cycle through recessions quicker than that timeframe.

Anybody who does'nt want to believe we went to the moon are just as f#cked in the head as those that believe in Creationism and alien UFOs.

As for curing cancer, they are trying and ironically medicinal science is a lot more complicated than the science of space,

That'll be me then 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> but then i dont believe in ghosts or UFO s as i have never witnessed anything unexplained personally but each to their own, would call people who do but thats my opinion.

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The normal folk who think have seen UFOs have only seen Venus, the ISS and other satelites, or planes approaching directly towards or away from them, the others are just wackos.

UFOs do exist in the literal sense of the word, but it don't mean they are alien.

However, there are things called Transient Lunar Phenomena which are unexplained, wierd, and causing heated debate in the astronomical community.

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When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my Grandad, not shouting and screaming like his passengers 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

Bingy this is a serious thread. Show respect please 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
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i refuse to believe we are alone in the universe but i do think we are alone in the galaxy. but ya never know.

For life to evolve......

It has to evolve in the context of a second generation star with heavy chemical elements having been scattered from the destruction of the first generation star.

This means that life cannot even begin to evolve for the first third of the life of the universe, as the heavy chemical elements like carbon, oxygen etc do not yet exist.

The second generation star has to be in a stable orbit...i.e. not a binary star etc

The star has to have the right mass in order to exist for long enough for life to evolve

It has to be a star with planets

For life to evolve on a planet then the planet has to be just the right distance from the star for the temperature to be ok

The planetary orbit needs to be stable

The planet has to have just the right mass in order to retain a suitable atmosphere and water

It has to have adundant liquid water.

It has to have an atmosphere able to protect life on the surface from the dangerous effects of cosmic radiation

It helps if there is a large gaseous planet elsewhere in the same solar system that attracts the majority of the inter planetary debris which might otherwise impact upon the rocky planet causing global catastrophe.

the planet has to have active tectonic plates and a liquid core in order to recycle planetary materials

It helps if the planet has been knocked off its axis by collision with a large planetary object at some time.

This shift helps to create the seasons and enable heat to be more evenly distributed so that large surface areas do not get excessively hot or cold

It helps if the planet has a moon to generate tides, and create margins of shallow water

Somewhere in a little warm pond, life has then to emerge out of a cocktail of simple chemicals

Life has to evolve a self regulated metabolism and a chemical genetic code which controls not only the metabolism but also provides the complete set of instructions for building a descendant organism and the equipment necessary to do so.

Life has to evolve the ability to replicate itself with a very high degree of accuracy

replication must be almost but not quite perfect so that there is the potential for variation and change, and evolution over time

All that has to happen just to give rise to simple single cellular life forms such as bacteria

Somehow life has also to evolve the ability to make food out of sunlight otherwise the existing planetary resources will soon be exhausted

For complex life, life has to evolve the larger highly complex cell, formed by the chance association of different types of bacteria

Including photosynthetic symbionts

life has to evolve to achieve complex body forms with the potential for intelligence and creativity

Climate change is needed to force life out of the water and onto the land, and life has to survive the many global catastrophes and natural disasters which inevitably occur thereafter.

Life needs to evolve a large brained creature with superb manual dexterity and the potential to invent tools, language, and social organisation so that knowledge can be shared and developed.

Finally life has to evolve a communication technology able to broadcast and receive messages across the vast distances of space

On this planet this has only occurred for the last 40 of the 4 billion or so years of the planets existance.

I.e. the chances of finding the appropriate intelligent life and technology on THIS planet at any time, are only approximately 1 in 100 million

And so what are the chances of it happening twice, simultaneously in two distinct locations?

Although the number of stars and planets is almost infinite, the chances are equally and inversely infintessimally small.

So the resultant probability is probably less than 1.

And even if complex intelligent life - with the ability to communicate - did evolve in two places for some brief moment, the universe is so vast and the stars are separted by such enormous distances that intercommunication is all but impossible.

the reality is that we are all alone.

In the past scientists and authors like carl sagan vastly exaggerated the probabilty of there being life elsewhere in the universe, and that popular misunderstanding is yet to be corrected.

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For life to evolve......

It has to evolve in the context of a second generation star with heavy chemical elements having been scattered from the destruction of the first generation star.

This means that life cannot even begin to evolve for the first third of the life of the universe, as the heavy chemical elements like carbon, oxygen etc do not yet exist.

The second generation star has to be in a stable orbit...i.e. not a binary star etc

The star has to have the right mass in order to exist for long enough for life to evolve

It has to be a star with planets

For life to evolve on a planet then the planet has to be just the right distance from the star for the temperature to be ok

The planetary orbit needs to be stable

The planet has to have just the right mass in order to retain a suitable atmosphere and water

It has to have adundant liquid water.

It has to have an atmosphere able to protect life on the surface from the dangerous effects of cosmic radiation

It helps if there is a large gaseous planet elsewhere in the same solar system that attracts the majority of the inter planetary debris which might otherwise impact upon the rocky planet causing global catastrophe.

the planet has to have active tectonic plates and a liquid core in order to recycle planetary materials

It helps if the planet has been knocked off its axis by collision with a large planetary object at some time.

This shift helps to create the seasons and enable heat to be more evenly distributed so that large surface areas do not get excessively hot or cold

It helps if the planet has a moon to generate tides, and create margins of shallow water

Somewhere in a little warm pond, life has then to emerge out of a cocktail of simple chemicals

Life has to evolve a self regulated metabolism and a chemical genetic code which controls not only the metabolism but also provides the complete set of instructions for building a descendant organism and the equipment necessary to do so.

Life has to evolve the ability to replicate itself with a very high degree of accuracy

replication must be almost but not quite perfect so that there is the potential for variation and change, and evolution over time

All that has to happen just to give rise to simple single cellular life forms such as bacteria

Somehow life has also to evolve the ability to make food out of sunlight otherwise the existing planetary resources will soon be exhausted

For complex life, life has to evolve the larger highly complex cell, formed by the chance association of different types of bacteria

Including photosynthetic symbionts

life has to evolve to achieve complex body forms with the potential for intelligence and creativity

Climate change is needed to force life out of the water and onto the land, and life has to survive the many global catastrophes and natural disasters which inevitably occur thereafter.

Life needs to evolve a large brained creature with superb manual dexterity and the potential to invent tools, language, and social organisation so that knowledge can be shared and developed.

Finally life has to evolve a communication technology able to broadcast and receive messages across the vast distances of space

On this planet this has only occurred for the last 40 of the 4 billion or so years of the planets existance.

I.e. the chances of finding the appropriate intelligent life and technology on THIS planet at any time, are only approximately 1 in 100 million

And so what are the chances of it happening twice, simultaneously in two distinct locations?

Although the number of stars and planets is almost infinite, the chances are equally and inversely infintessimally small.

So the resultant probability is probably less than 1.

And even if complex intelligent life - with the ability to communicate - did evolve in two places for some the brief moment, the universe is so vast and the stars are separted by such enormous distances that intercommunication is all but impossible.

the reality is that we are all alone.

In the past scientists and authors like carl sagan vastly exaggerated the probabilty of there being life elsewhere in the universe, and that popular misunderstanding is yet to be corrected.

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