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Returning ram

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Everything posted by Returning ram

  1. Must admit, I know very little around the finances, was only answering a post that said we need more investment. A figure of 14m is being banded around as the players wage bill, seems excessive to me as it equates to an average of 27 players on 10k a week, however as I said, what do I know ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Why was it an attack ? i genuinely couldn't understand if it was a dig at PW or Clowes or something else, because when I answered your question, the reply was about not being the only striker. Thanks for clearing it up though...I think it's well documented that we have reached the limits in the perm signings against the business plan agreed with the league. So there was no way we could manoeuvre on that. This is relaxed next year, so therefore with my basic maths, IF we are paying out 14m already on players wages and have another 8m revenue coming in, that should be enough to compete based on the figures on the article.
  3. It might make it easier to try to answer the question if you didn't talk in riddles and just get to the point you are trying to make ?
  4. I thought PW covered that ? We had one but the club changed its mind.
  5. Based on @Ghost of Clough figures, we have a wage bill of 14m, if that's the figure we are paying our players in Div 1, then based upon this article, we will have no problem competing from a financial point of view. https://www.planetfootball.com/quick-reads/championship-wage-bills-2023-24-leeds-leicester-southampton
  6. Was speaking to someone from the club at training earlier, whilst they have no access or knowledge of the finer details of the finances, they were surprised by this figure. They mentioned some big earners that were offloaded from the wage bill last year and also asked if this was the players only wages for the year ? They weren't disputing the figures, also mentioned that the staff side would be high compared to others but asked what the split was for this, or is it full 14m on players wages for this season ?
  7. Who said they were asking for him back, you jumped on my post saying it was a straw man, when I mentioned that posters still compare LRs football to PWs. Although if you wish to correct me on that as well, feel free, as per the post, it's doing exactly that. Not sure why I'm coming across as the t***, your the one who challenged the post and then when I provide evidence to back it up, which you asked for, get all arsey ๐Ÿ˜Š
  8. apologies accepted ๐Ÿ‘ On 29/01/2024 at 19:49, S8TY said: Iโ€™ve mentioned this before but I spoke to one of the fa assessors regarding Rosenior and at the time I was very dubious about him as assistant like some on here I wondered if he had any input I was told by the assessor himself that โ€ฆRosenior was one of the brightest most innovative young coaches heโ€™d seen and said heโ€™d go on to be a great coach and maybe manager โ€ฆit changed my mind about him and he shouldโ€™ve been given until the end of the season as minimum โ€ฆ.instead we have archaeic Warne ball percentage basketball end to end no midfield garbage
  9. Does your post not contradict itself though ? The only way we can challenge the top end of the championship is by gaining promotion, which we are on course to do. Draws with teams like "Shrewsbury" are going to happen, unless your expectations are to win every game. It doesn't just sound entitled but unrealistic, we need to get out this division first, unless your expecting the league to say, hold on, they haven't been down here much before, let's just give them a helping hand ๐Ÿคจ
  10. I'm not sure what relevance that has, it was 50 years ago. You asked if the foxes played the same when they were in the PL as they do now, the answer is no. Throughout their time in the PL they relied on mostly counter attacking football and the pace of their forwards. Pretty sure we watered the pitch to stop football being played, to help win the league as well. But I was a only a young un back then so can't say for sure ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Yes they have, playing at a lower level enables them to control the ball. Do you think they won the PL based on their current style ?
  12. Leicester have come down with premiership players, comparison is ridiculous. We are having to recruit players for the third tier of football, you aren't going to get players that are technically gifted to play quality attractive football. That said, PW does play a brand of football that is effective in this league, hence our league position. For all the outcry of attractive football, it's worth noting the only successful manager we have had recently is Billy D, who played a similar brand. Of course let's all shout about LR and his great football, who after a hefty budget... sits 15 points behind a team that got promoted from this league last season.
  13. More chance of getting away tickets if those who constantly moan when we drop points stop going... that said I'm not sure they go in first place ๐Ÿคจ
  14. Social media for you, people think too much now and always look for the negatives. Football is always about the ups and downs, but expectations by the vocal majority seem to be to win every game with Tika taka football, playing the youngsters, writing players off after a few months and recruiting the next Bellingham for a fiver without a bobble hat in sight. I mean after all it's easy on FM24 and with the stats available now, you dont have to leave your armchair to know if a player is good or not.
  15. But he has been here all of 5 months now and stats.com say he is rubbish ๐Ÿคฃ Personally not seen enough of him to make a judgement (either in a rams shirt or any other), plenty of players take time to settle, however based on this thread it seems 6 months is all you need now.
  16. Not only in the bargain basement, the money lost under Mel's tenure for some of the signings were eye watering. From SM to PC, we seem to forget that recruiting is not as easy as when you load up the latest version of FM24.
  17. It's not about the results, it's all about performance...let's bring Warnock in ๐Ÿคจ
  18. The principle is the same with every club though. Would you go out next season and replace Cashin, no but you might bring in a back up if you felt it was required. To say he has brought in 12 players, when 3 were strikers for example and then say only a few are playing, is once again playing with numbers to make a point. RB we had no one last season, so it would make sense to bring more than one in but you can't fit them all in your starting 11. Your building a squad, for the season. Of course if you had an unlimited budget you would look to improve on every player, but there are always going to be certain ones that you say, they are doing a good job I'll spend my money elsewhere.
  19. So you'd replace Halland at City for example, or you'd bring someone in elsewhere that's needed ๐Ÿ˜ Not difficut to understand. Also seems his scattergun approach wasn't to bad today....
  20. League position โŒ Bradley โŒ Academy โŒ Recruitment โŒ Never mind lads, there is always.... Bobble hat โœ…
  21. Agreed, however sometimes it won't always work like that. I used Pep as an example on purpose, he brought Phillips in but admitted defeat in being unable to adapt to what he wants. He has brought Grealish in and took a season for him to adapt. Point I was trying to make is that looking at his signings and saying it's scattergun is just lazy argument and not looking at the bigger picture. I'm also not saying he has got it right, because on some it's clear he hasn't.
  22. You need to look at his signings by position and building a squad, not by numbers. Same at most clubs, look at Pep, he builds on top of what he has got for a squad. It's no longer about the first 11, but managing the game throughout the 90. How many of his signings have contributed to the game when not injured, you don't bring in players to replace your better ones, no point. Judge them at end of season, not half way through (yes stat man I know we are slightly more ๐Ÿ˜) based on where we end up in the league, not on how many out of 12 start.
  23. You keep talking about Pboro, it's almost as you've cherry picked them to prove a point. So we didn't lose, Gordon, Delap, Festy etc...:players that would have been sniffing around the first team now ?? Once again I ask you, how many managers during their time at Derby sign youth, from memory I'd say Clough is probably one of the few I can think. The academy is a tool, but it's only your opinion that they are ready or good enough, it's not one shared at the moment by the manager or the academy team, I highlight Whittaker once again as what happens when this goes wrong. Also worth highlighting that Cashin, who has signed a new contract has also broke through as a regular under PW, similar to Bird, although I guess they don't count ๐Ÿ˜
  24. Did Rotherham have a cat 1 academy to enable them to do this ? Point is that you are saying PW doesnt like youth players, I'm saying that there are far and few managers that have the time and luxury to take gambles on unproven players. The academy is not the managers responsibility, certainly not after only a year in charge following it being ravaged just before his tenure. Do you really think our fanbase would have been happy with promoting youth over success, if you do, I'd suggest your kidding yourself. Once again the remit of the manager is not that, even if a new one came on tomorrow I'd doubt they'd be going down that route either. Says it all that our biggest success recently wasn't given much time at this club by either the vocal fans or the manager, I wonder if he had a loan move to find his feet without the massive pressure, then it may have been so different.
  25. And young players don't guarantee that ? Seems strange that you use it as a stick to beat him with, yet our time under our previous chairman seems to be a similar theme ? I get pboro have a good track record, but realistically how many good young players have we signed over the years that have gone onto better things, the only time you could argue when we had no alternative. It may be utopia but it seems an unfair barometer that seems a more long term plan than someone who has been tasked of getting us out this league.
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