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littleover ram

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Everything posted by littleover ram

  1. Great that was actually a chance of a trophy and we don’t have any other cup games
  2. Probably were being cautious after the Adam Johnson debacle
  3. How about Jack Diamond on loan? Could be looking to rebuild his career and seemed decent at league one level with Lincoln. Scored against us anyway
  4. Bolton seem to play bottom half team at home every week but they have a hard run in at the end of the season: us at Pride Park and also Barnsley (A), Oxford (H), Stevenage (A), Pompy (H) and finish on Peterborough (A)
  5. Yeah but just scored right after anyway
  6. Marriott is obviously going to score against us
  7. They possibly wouldn’t get it all of once. Those sorts of deals are usually structured to pay in instalments
  8. Think it’ll be play offs at best for us this year. We can forget automatic. All other teams around us won today too
  9. Soft goal. Tbf Peterborough probably deserve something out of this game
  10. Thought 5 subs was a temporary thing for Covid… I guess it’s here forever
  11. JJ coming on. Not sure for who edit: Mendez Laing coming off
  12. Should be 1-2 there. Bad miss from Randall
  13. Sibley, Thompson and Elder on sounds some might be injury enforced? houilhan and foz with knocks
  14. we’ve improved the last 5 mins or so. Think Warne made a tactical tweak during a break in play - was giving instructions
  15. Cashin has been poor so far. Head might not be in it with the transfer window open again
  16. Clarke-Harris not even on the bench
  17. Just got his first goal for his new club
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