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Kony 2012


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Well it's a nice idea, but I cant help but think there is something very strange about it.

They probably stand to make a lot of money from this, surely that can't be right.

It sounds like they want to use the Ugandan army which is more than likely bent anyway (raping girls, back handers etc) Not only that but if they do use the army that means killing hundreds of children who have been forced to kill, maim and rape people including their own family against there will.

It's been going on for years so it's a bit annoying that all these facefeckers and sausageters have jumped on it. But hey if it works then that's amazing!

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Well it's a nice idea, but I cant help but think there is something very strange about it.

They probably stand to make a lot of money from this, surely that can't be right.

It sounds like they want to use the Ugandan army which is more than likely bent anyway (raping girls, back handers etc) Not only that but if they do use the army that means killing hundreds of children who have been forced to kill, maim and rape people including their own family against there will.

It's been going on for years so it's a bit annoying that all these facefeckers and sausageters have jumped on it. But hey if it works then that's amazing!

Yeah, I see all of that, but my main thought is that so what if it's a bandwagon - if it's a bandwagon that results in Kony's arrest, no one can deny thats a fantastic thing.

I'd like to see more campaigns like this on other issues.

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Watch the video by all mean's, then read this. Then make up ya own mind's. A LOT of my friends on Facebook are doing this KONY 2012 thing but it's good to know all the facts before you just jump on the latest hipster protest bandwagon.

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Watch the video by all mean's, then read this. Then make up ya own mind's. A LOT of my friends on Facebook are doing this KONY 2012 thing but it's good to know all the facts before you just jump on the latest hipster protest bandwagon.

Always good to know the facts. But still how pathetic is it that no one cares about anything until it's a trending topic? It's just like Darfur all over again. The hipsters talk about it on Facebook and twitter while wearing shirts about it to pretend like they have some sort of worldly humanist knowledge to them. No you don't you hipster asses, go back to your Starbucks with your Mac computers and blog about it(you know the blog no one cares about).

On another note, my heart goes out to the innocent of Africa. They never get to stay innocent for long.

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Yeah, I see all of that, but my main thought is that so what if it's a bandwagon - if it's a bandwagon that results in Kony's arrest, no one can deny thats a fantastic thing.

I'd like to see more campaigns like this on other issues.

Yeah it would be mate, this world is ***** 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

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Yeah, I see all of that, but my main thought is that so what if it's a bandwagon - if it's a bandwagon that results in Kony's arrest, no one can deny thats a fantastic thing.

I'd like to see more campaigns like this on other issues.

Kony's arrest is slightly irrelevant, arresting a leader doesn't do anything to solve the more deep set issues causing the actual conflicts.

Also, I would like some information from another source, simply because, there seems to be something slightly odd about the organisation, Invisible Children, namely the fact that only around 30% of donations actually go to charitable funds, and their apparent support for the Ugandan government.

To be honest, I need information from other sources before I pass comment to be honest.

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Right I've thought a lot about this and done a lot of reading. It seems to be that now there's no Saddam, no Bin Laden, no Gadaffi or even a Kim Jong-Il, the West needs a "bad guy". I think there are some fallacies with the whole campaign.

Since 2006, the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) are no longer fighting in Uganda, but now operate in DR Congo and South Sudan. Where could he be? He's like a needle in a haystack. Also, Kony no longer lives in Uganda.

I found some information that tells me Invisible Children has never been audited, unlike most charities are supposed to be. Out of $8m they raised last year, only 32% was spent on direct aid to Africa. The guy who made that video takes home just under $90,000 a year, as do two of his colleagues who also founded the charity.A figure totalling about $800,000 was spent on electronic equipment. A million was spent on travel.

However, the concern that people are donating money to a charity that will pay someone a comfortable salary, send them first class across the world and buy them an Apple Mac aren't even the most daunting thing about this.

The charity is lobbying US Military intervention. That is something I don't want to be a part of. Not to mention the video was a horribly pretentious, scripted, arrogant piece of emotional manipulation that reeked of post-colonialism and moral superiority.

If you want to support this, support Amnesty International. They've had an article indicting Kony on their website since 2007.

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Watch the video by all mean's, then read this. Then make up ya own mind's. A LOT of my friends on Facebook are doing this KONY 2012 thing but it's good to know all the facts before you just jump on the latest hipster protest bandwagon.

It's these 'bandwagons' that actually make a difference.

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Y'know what I loved most about the video, the part when the guy say's "I'll level with you, this video expires in 2012" ........WHAT THE **** ARE YOU ON ABOUT!!!! Jesus wet, I'm sorry the video will be removed from Youtube at the end of the year but what the hell does that have to do with Kony?

The one good thing to come of this is the fact that's its raised awareness but unfortunately it's not as simple as 'Kony's the baddie and were the good guy's' as much as Invisible Children would like you to believe. Its a very complex situation.

Buying a trendy wristband (from a charity that is only going to give 32% of that money directly to African aid),going out on one specific night to vandilise your street with poster, and sharing a video on Twitter and Facebook will not make a difference. It might not be the 'cool' thing to do but if you want to do something try spending that money on a charity who will help African's like [url=http://grassrootsgroup.org/]http://grassrootsgroup.org/ or [url=http://guluprojects.wordpress.com/]http://guluprojects.wordpress.com/ .Seriously, read up on this whole scenario first and get educated on the subject matter before you jump blindly on board with this.

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I still don't understand why we're being pressed for charity reasons on this. It'll be misappropiated in nonsensical fashion and just prolong the African reliance on charity. Africa needs self-sufficency not handouts.

Africans need food to prevent them from starving. We take far more out of Africa than we put in.

Africa doesn't rely on charity; it barely receives anything. Our charitable giving is pitiful.

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They starve

Africans need food to prevent them from starving. We take far more out of Africa than we put in.

Africa doesn't rely on charity; it barely receives anything. Our charitable giving is pitiful.

They starve because their leaders/strongmen are generally(not always) corrupt and greedy.

Since last year, the US Government alone has pledged nearly a billion dollars to Africa. That's not counting the aide of the rest of the world and private donations(where in America, charities often rally more in private donations than the Government does), Also, it's not like this is a very new thing. NGO's and Governments have been pouring aide into Africa for years. How long can that continue considering the shakiness of much of the world's economy(particularly with the debt problem in America)? It's not a matter of if Africa will be completely left to fend for itself, it's a matter of when. I'm just stating it from my objective, unpassionate attitude towards the problem.

We're asked to give in charities to all sorts of things. In America we give more than our fair share for our own natural disasters(hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires etc). How much more money can we throw at the problem while not understanding the problem? Sure, MTV esque documentaries get the emotions amped about saving the world, but we need to think before we give. If this gets people to actually educate themselves on the problems of Africa, that's great. But honestly it hasn't before and it won't now.

I appreciate the message, but my cynicism leaves it a bit wanting for me.

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They starve

They starve because their leaders/strongmen are generally(not always) corrupt and greedy.

Since last year, the US Government alone has pledged nearly a billion dollars to Africa. That's not counting the aide of the rest of the world and private donations(where in America, charities often rally more in private donations than the Government does), Also, it's not like this is a very new thing. NGO's and Governments have been pouring aide into Africa for years. How long can that continue considering the shakiness of much of the world's economy(particularly with the debt problem in America)? It's not a matter of if Africa will be completely left to fend for itself, it's a matter of when. I'm just stating it from my objective, unpassionate attitude towards the problem.

We're asked to give in charities to all sorts of things. In America we give more than our fair share for our own natural disasters(hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires etc). How much more money can we throw at the problem while not understanding the problem? Sure, MTV esque documentaries get the emotions amped about saving the world, but we need to think before we give. If this gets people to actually educate themselves on the problems of Africa, that's great. But honestly it hasn't before and it won't now.

I appreciate the message, but my cynicism leaves it a bit wanting for me.

I don't care about all that, I'll give money to charity to the day I die if I know I'm saving someone's life. There's no point saying "their leaders are corrupt, so lets stop giving and hope they somehow change".

The best way to help these countries is trade. But the way we trade with them, causes far more harm than good, I'd argue. More money leaves Africa heading to Western countries through trade than enters it with Aid. That suggests we are part of the problem.

For nations like France, UK and USA to say their economies are "in a mess" is a joke compared to other nations where incomes are a matter of dollars a day. The problem is humans, humans being naturally selfish. We in our Western countries have a massive slice of cake, and we give a little bit of our cake to the poorer countries - while our own slice gets bigger still.

If you think we give enough to Africa, you are mistaken. I agree with a lot of the points you are making - but these are long-term issues that need to be addressed. They are irrelevant while we tackle Africa's short-term solutions so pitifully.

The nation doing the most for Africa is China. Of course, there are some questionable motives behind it - but the infrastructure some African countries have now from Chinese investment will change their prospects far more than anything the West has done recently.

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