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How would you deal with a burglar in your house?


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You may have seen it on the news, or in the papers, about the guy who stabbed an intruder in his house and killed him. I wondered what other people would do in the same situation? Would you be frozen to the spot with fear or attack them before they attacked you? Or wait for them to come at you first?

I think the law is too grey when it comes to self defence and using reasonable force. Where is the line drawn? I've never been in that position where I've confronted a burglar and hopefully will never have to. Listening to RD it seems loads of people keep a weapon of some kind next to their beds. Do any of you campers keep something like a baseball bat around, and would you have any hesitation in using it?

Apologies beforehand if anyone has been a victim of burglary, I don't want to upset anyone but it seems they are differing opinions on the rights of the burglar! Should the law take away their rights when they break in, or not? Thought I'd put it out there.

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I'd try and make as much noise hoping they sod off out the back door, if that didn't work I'd probably scream "I want my mummy".

I don't have any possessions in my house that I would risk my life for and the insurance wouldn't cover, chances are the scumbags will have their own weapons.

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In my opinion if they are in your property do as you like the one that got stabbed in manchester got stabbed with his own knife so deserves the little feck right.

I was watching the news & saw people laying flowers outside the house where it happened if I was the homeowner or a neighbour of this chap I'd have gone out & binned the lot attack someone in their home or burglarise someones property then you deserve everything you get.

I used to live in quite a bad area in derby when I lived there & was burgled quite a few times you work hard & pay your taxes to be able to afford nice things for you & your famly / house ect and some little scroat rob's it cut their feckin fingers off make 'em think twice next time they only ever get a slap on the wrist if they get caught anyway or a nice comfy cell for 6 months with a tv games console ect......

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Pretty much I agree.

I'd like to think I'd use my ninja skills to good effect, but I'd probably cack my pants and hide in the airing cupboard.

I agree with those people who say that there's a bit too much emphasis on the rights of the burglar but there's been instances where the homeowner has disarmed the robber, tied him up and tortured the poor b*stard to death - so there is a balance to be had. In my opinion.

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So, we've got Daveo who'd run screaming for his mummy and Gboro who'd lose control of his bodily functions and hide. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

On a serious note, I agree with EKR, having never been in that position, I don't know how I'd react. I can also see Derbydan's points. If I was burgled and the burglar died, I think I'd have a major problem with people leaving flowers outside me door. I'd have someone move them further away, that's just not done.

And to Gboro - in reality, how often would that happen? It must be a tiny percentage of people who would tie up the burglar and torture him to death, surely? How many, in contrast, would give him an almighty crack because this person has got into his house in the first place, then start to panic and call the police - and if the burglar died, be charged with murder.

I feel sorry for the guy and whoever else is a victim of burglary. Burglars are always aware they might be disturbed and so might revert to a plan B - the homeowner, on the other hand has no choice but to react with the first gut reaction and that's to defend what's theirs, which I bet almost always ends in violence.

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I'm not disagreeing - but I think it's not as clear cut as saying, you get whatever is coming at you. There's a point when defending your property turns into a bit of revenge, which isn't so palatable to me.

And to be fair to me, I'm ill. Got the runs, so a day off work. I'd rather be in work and not be soiling myself to be honest. If that's not too graphic.

Anyway, enjoy your tea, everyone.

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I see what you mean Gboro, what you say does make sense. I'd just hope that he'd leave as fast and as quietly as he'd arrived. It's the inbetween bits that could get out of hand.

And poor Gboro, having the squits! That's so not funny is it? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> I recommend Immodium for a speedy recovery!!

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What makes me so f***ing mad is , when ever one of these ****** is caught, they always say"Why do people bother its only goods, goods can be replaced".

By the way, anyone comes into my domain I will swing for them. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

Good point Smiffy.

People aren't just going to stand by watching as the burglar fills his loot bag are they? And say "It's ok mr burglar, take what you want because I can replace it". It doesn't work like that does it? It's private property and people work bloody hard to have what they do and some things that get stolen can't ever be replaced can they? One victim on RD said her "house had been raped". Very powerful and emotive words.

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Good point Smiffy.

People aren't just going to stand by watching as the burglar fills his loot bag are they? And say "It's ok mr burglar, take what you want because I can replace it". It doesn't work like that does it? It's private property and people work bloody hard to have what they do and some things that get stolen can't ever be replaced can they? One victim on RD said her "house had been raped". Very powerful and emotive words.

I agree somethings can't be replaced, but neither can human life. Killing someone is inexcusable. If you do something in "self defence" and end up killing someone, you must have known you were going to cause serious injury, and you therefore deserve the full face of the law.

I'm not siding with the burglar. Of course he's in the wrong. Stealing is the worst crime of all - and that includes stealing someone's life.

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I agree somethings can't be replaced, but neither can human life. Killing someone is inexcusable. If you do something in "self defence" and end up killing someone, you must have known you were going to cause serious injury, and you therefore deserve the full face of the law.

I'm not siding with the burglar. Of course he's in the wrong. Stealing is the worst crime of all - and that includes stealing someone's life.

Sorry to go a little off subject but someone at work was a bouncer before he came to us and he hit a bloke who had gone to attack him, the bloke fell and hit his head on the curb and unfortunatly died the bloke was sent down with the charge of man slaughter, the law apparently is in self defence your allowed one blow, in my work collegue's case the second blow was his head off the curb?!?!? The law is a little grey imo when it comes to self defence.

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I agree somethings can't be replaced, but neither can human life. Killing someone is inexcusable. If you do something in "self defence" and end up killing someone, you must have known you were going to cause serious injury, and you therefore deserve the full face of the law.

I'm not siding with the burglar. Of course he's in the wrong. Stealing is the worst crime of all - and that includes stealing someone's life.

What about aggravated burglary, do they have the right to kick the s hit out of you to get what they want, would you be OK if they attacked you or yours, would you just stand by and take it.
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What about aggravated burglary, do they have the right to kick the s hit out of you to get what they want, would you be OK if they attacked you or yours, would you just stand by and take it.

Well if someone's about to kick the **** out of you, that changes things completely, and self-defence is excusable then.

And yes, I would. And I hope I'll never be materialistic enough to attack someone to protect my stuff. Not saying I'd be OK with it, that's different, but I'm not the attacking type.

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Sorry to go a little off subject but someone at work was a bouncer before he came to us and he hit a bloke who had gone to attack him, the bloke fell and hit his head on the curb and unfortunatly died the bloke was sent down with the charge of man slaughter, the law apparently is in self defence your allowed one blow, in my work collegue's case the second blow was his head off the curb?!?!? The law is a little grey imo when it comes to self defence.

In that case, the law's ridiculous. A punch is fine, but attacking someone with a knife or baseball bat is different....

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