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Do points and places tell the story?

Kevin Hector

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Do we change our approach against the teams higher in the league? The only reason I say this is I remember watching the Burnley game and wondering why we'd gone backwards and started lumping hopeful balls forward again rather than play with the style we had been playing - result was inevitable even when 1-0 up we invited so much pressure that it was bound to happen. Are we sending the team out with a 'must not lose' attitude for the top teams and a 'go win' attuned for the lower teams?

Possibly not but would explain the disparity and the performances. Could also be explained simply by the fact we're not good enough to compete against the top teams but nobody would have said that back in October.

Just a thought.

But a very valid one. I think NC's mentality above all else is a "don't lose" - regardless of the opposition - hence not only the negative displays against the likes of Leicester and Forest, but also Millwall at home and, to a lesser extent, Ipswich.

You only have to look at his comments today about Bueno to see that the reason we have changed our style of play is to try and stop the rot. And he's quite right.

I think as results and performances start to pick up, as they have been slowly of late, we will see more emphasis on attacking teams and continuing to attack them rather than score one and hang on for the rest of the game defending.

Following Saturday's win, I expect the team to be more confident go out and attack Donny tonight, and hopefully if we do take the lead don't just try and defend it for the rest of the match.

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