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My verdict on the Damned United....

PearTree Ram

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What can i say....

I decided to watch the 1710 showing at Showcase Derby, must have been about 16 people in there with me.

I could not wait for it to start in anticipation and to be honest i could not wait for it to end in exasperation.

It was awful, rubbish...

Fair enough Sheen and Spall did well on the acting front....

But the rest of it, the good bits, they've all been shown on the 2 minute trailer.

There was only one Clough and to be honest the best bit of the whole film for me, was seeing the real life footage of the pair in the end.

Too many inaccuracies that i spotted and they even got the calender interview wrong...thank goodness it ended when it did, i ran out of there so fast.

Any questions ask me....

Oh and yes i was in it...

You can't beat the truth....give me Don Shaw's book anyday...or just read it from the mouths of the legends that lived it.

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Originally posted by CumbrianRam;7234

O'Neill and Murphy right then?!?

You know me, i know my stuff, i've read it, seen it, seen the pic....interviews, it just peed me off that they didn't put the accuracy in there....

And Derby as a City/Town....not my Derby....

Some things are better off read and letting the imagination take over...

Weirdly, i felt the book was better....and the way they edited the trailer makes it look great but at times it just dragged, far too slow and plodding....


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Originally posted by PearTree Ram;7238

You know me, i know my stuff, i've read it, seen it, seen the pic....interviews, it just peed me off that they didn't put the accuracy in there....

And Derby as a City/Town....not my Derby....

Some things are better off read and letting the imagination take over...

Weirdly, i felt the book was better....and the way they edited the trailer makes it look great but at times it just dragged, far too slow and plodding....


Well I was planning to watch it tomorrow, but I may not now.

The ITV documentary was good though, better than expected knowing ITV.

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Originally posted by CumbrianRam;7239

Well I was planning to watch it tomorrow, but I may not now.

You know me Cumbrian, i like my history and i love all things Clough and Taylor....

But the ending was poor...how did he come out of it the hero...when in their Revie interview, they dont have the killer line....

But i wanted to win it better !?

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Originally posted by PearTree Ram;7240

You know me Cumbrian, i like my history and i love all things Clough and Taylor....

But the ending was poor...how did he come out of it the hero...when in their Revie interview, they dont have the killer line....

But i wanted to win it better !?

I've got all the DCFC Clough achievements/interviews etc on my grandfathers tapes, the Clough families reaction to the film/book made me feel guilty reading it.

The film looks good on commercial but TBH I probably won't learn alot from the film after reading the book and having all of these old 1960/70s tapes, so I would have probably not bothered anyway.

I did not like the tone of the book and IMO it portrayed Clough as a alcoholic, which family and ex-players deny. Yeah he might have at the end of the Forest era, but this is not covered in the book, so the point is irrelvent.

The positive reviews seem to come from the non-footballing background, Jonathan Ross, these people rated the acting. The footballing people like Pat Murphy, rated from a football point of view and they highlighted inaccuracies in the film, which with your review sound correct.

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I had to read this thread twice as I didn't believe it!

I thought the trailer was cheesy at best to be honest, didn't expect it to win any oscars although I'l still have to watch it on dvd when it comes out.

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Originally posted by David;7243

I had to read this thread twice as I didn't believe it!

I thought the trailer was cheesy at best to be honest, didn't expect it to win any oscars although I'l still have to watch it on dvd when it comes out.

Me too....i'm in it :confused:

Just to see that, unless they also have real footage extras in the DVD.

Put it this way, you know how i said i was at Saltergate when they filmed the Bremner Keegan bust up, with all the actors....well none of that was in it....that just goes to show...how poor that effort was to recreate the game and the atmosphere that they had to use real footage.

Some/many people would say that was genius....to use real footage...i would say, they had no choice but to use it....no choice whatsoever....

I swear at times i felt i could hear, the voices of Kenneth Williams and David Frost coming out the mouth of our Great One...

There were moments when the voice would be lost on you, then suddenly the Cloughy twang would come back and hit you....

That bit.....oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh you are a bloody disgrace....that i give credit too...that was Sheen at his best....that was Clough.

If you go on the Showcase Derby site and click the Damned United you can click on about 5 clips from the film...trust me watch that and you have seen all the best bits.

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Originally posted by JoeMadRam;7251

Sorry to hear the film wasn't as good as you anticipated.

Was the film 'camped up' in comparison to the book or was it dark in relation to the state of clough's mind?

Think I'll still give this film a watch though . . .

Anticipated? To be honest i don't know what i expected. It was not like the book, put it that way. Maybe i felt that as it was not true to the book, in showing the superb rise of DCFC, then it could not also be true to Clough either...some parts were a bit mishmashed.

Many will like it though.

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I think you have to remember it is a film that is fiction based on one persons facts, which as a added layer of fiction added on for the film.

I don't think it was ever meant to be a true fact based film as the only person who could possibly do that is dead.

We can read all the books and watch all the films and documentarys but none will be 100%, The Damned United isnt and nor will this next book out.

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The Slammed United

There's been more stinging criticism of the controversial film about Cloughie. The BBC's sports correspondent, Pat Murphy, has watched 'The Damned United' and says: "I promise you, Brian Clough was funnier in real life than he was in the movie." Murphy, who interviewed Cloughie many times and wrote a biography, says he counted 17 factual inaccuracies in the film. He told Radio Five Live: "I heard Michael Sheen (who plays Clough) say he was sure about the accuracy of the film. He's wrong about that."

Murphy says he couldn't believe the film depicts Clough hiding in his office during a match against Leeds. "There is a scene where Brian Clough doesn't go out of his office - he couldn't face seeing his Derby County side play Leeds at the Baseball Ground and he's sat there smoking and drinking throughout the whole match. That's a serious condemnation of Brian Clough as a manager. The guy had so much passion, so much ego and pride in a performance. Clough would be eye-balling Don Revie from the rival dugout. The very idea of him sitting in his office is just risible."

In another interview, Murphy says the chronology of the film is wrong - for example, showing Dave Mackay playing for Derby, when he had left two years before. Murphy says the film attempts to tell a story that is 35 years old. "The only reason it is a film now is because of this tawdry book by David Peace, which is a work of fiction...but a lot of people don't see that. They think it is an accurate portrayal of Brian Clough and it wasn't, it was an absolute disgrace.

"There is nothing new in the film, so why wasn't it done in the last 30 years? Because you can get away with it now as the central people are dead. You can't libel the dead. David Peace was interviewed and said it is a portrait, not a photograph. Well, I'm afraid that's 'pseud's corner' tosh."

Cloughie's family have already critcised the book and film (see below) and former Leeds player Johnny Giles has added his strong criticism too. In an ITV documentary, Giles (who took successful legal action over the book) said: "The portrayal of Brian Clough in that book is absolutely outrageous. It's mean, it's mean-spirited and it's wrong."

Giles said it was no co-incidence that all the main figures in the book had passed away. "Had they been alive, that book would never have got out." Murphy adds: "David Peace says he didn't want to upset the Clough family. Well on that basis, I await news of a large donation from him to a charity of the Clough family choice, because he will have made a fair amount of money from selling the book rights to the movie."


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Originally posted by David;7257

But it's a film of a novel, it's not a true story think people are forgetting this.

Does that not grind? No wonder the family are so annoyed.

That's just the whole point, people will believe in the faction. PEople who don't give a stuff for the facts or how it used to be but are happy to accept things that are force fed to them in the name of dramatic effect.

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Thats the thing people shouldn't be watching it as a fact based film, The Damned United book was a fiction book based on events, then the fiction book is a film which the directors will add there own twist to it.

I think people need to watch it with an open mind and remember it is based on fiction.

The next book you will be reading by Don Shaw will also not be 100% fact, as you have already sais he has made cock ups in the Hardback version. There is only one person who can write a book or make a film of Brian Clough that is 100% fact and that is Brian Clough.

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Originally posted by David;7259

Thats the thing people shouldn't be watching it as a fact based film, The Damned United book was a fiction book based on events, then the fiction book is a film which the directors will add there own twist to it.

I think people need to watch it with an open mind and remember it is based on fiction.

The next book you will be reading by Don Shaw will also not be 100% fact, as you have already sais he has made cock ups in the Hardback version. There is only one person who can write a book or make a film of Brian Clough that is 100% fact and that is Brian Clough.

Not CUps....some referneces are wrong that's all. That can be sorted out on the reprint.

Agree with last sentence only BC can do BC justice, that is what i walked out of the film with.

BC must narrate his own life story, his way....

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Still the book is inaccurate, Mr Joe Bloggs who doesn't have an internet connection walks into WH Smiths and buys Don Shaws book and reads it and assumes it is all 100% fact which it isnt due to the errors that the author is aware off.

Don Shaw is a friend of the family, he wasn't in the Leeds boardroom during meetings, he wasn't in the dressing room before games or on the training field. Don Shaws book is another which will be full of inaccuricies.

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Ptr - shame it wasn't good - didn't expect it to be really after hearing all the comments about it, i think you should make a film on him seeing as you know so much - would be the longest film in history i recon


Have you got one of these ?

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Originally posted by vicky-27;7264

Ptr - shame it wasn't good - didn't expect it to be really after hearing all the comments about it, i think you should make a film on him seeing as you know so much - would be the longest film in history i recon


Have you got one of these ?

I have my own Clough shirt....his face, underneath...I'm a Derby Man

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