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Something to think about posting negative things

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I just read from the news something that really made me stop. Last Friday a player named Alexander Reichenberg was buried in his hometown. He committed a suicide. The reason for his suicide was a surprise for me. 

He was an ice hockey player and a pretty good one too. When he changed teams he got a lot of hate mail and also death threats. Naturally he got a lot of hate mail after every mistake he made while playing too. Those messages made him depressed.

I started to think how many players, coaches and managers have read my posts about their ability to do their job. Has it affected them on personal level? Am I behind the fact that some little kid gets his/hers daddy home sad or mad? Has any player or manager battled with mental problems which are partly created by me?

What is the level we can sank into while writing stuff about the ones that we are supposed to support?

Edited by Cisse
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