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A chance to win...

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A signed match shirt (including Mssrs. Rooney and Cocu, no less).

My dear old Dad, who lives up in Cleveland these days, has terminal cancer and announced that he'd like to watch the Rams one last time before he (in his own words) turns his toes up.

With the fairly recent game against the Smoggies (Boro) being closest to where he lives, I got him and Mum tickets and arranged a bit of a treat for him when they got to the ground. Colin Gibson met them and presented Dad with the aforementioned shirt, signed by the team in the dressing room. He then got to meet a bunch of the players too, which made his day a really memorable one.

He has donated the shirt to the Royal British Legion to be raffled off to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal (he's an old soldier himself) which is a great gesture, all things considered. The shirt is on display at the Legion's Pop-In centre on St. Peter's Street, opposite Tesco Metro. Tickets can be obtained there, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm at £2 a pop. The winning ticket will be drawn on the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, Friday, 8th May and all funds raised will go directly to the Poppy Appeal. There should also be some available at The Neptune on the Spot.

Thanks for reading and I hope you get at least 100 tickets each ???

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